Monday, July 28, 2014

Trekkin' Monday

Monday ain't exactly my favorite day, but when I turn the tv on and pick a station at random and its showing (Original Series movies) TREK, it's always a good day.  Especially when it's one of two specific # movies - both are even-numbered, in case you are wondering.  (Even Numbered Trek Films Don't Suck).  The best one is the 2nd one, The Wrath of Khan which we refer to as TOS TWOK, or sometimes just TWOK.  Tonight's movie happens to be # 4, The Voyage Home or TOS TVH or just The One with the Whales.  I think the station may be running a marathon, because # 3 was just ending when I turned the tv on.  Which means that I'm turning of OFF OR CHANGING THE STATION as soon as this one is over, because nobody (I mean NOBODY) watches the next one!

In fact, we don't even refer to it by number if we can avoid it.  And we do avoid it, at all costs.  It's the one we prefer to forget about and frankly, wish it had never happened.  It's just that bad.  Well, it is an odd number - the oddest of them all!  (It was originally meant to be the last in the series of TOS movies, but we are all thankful that the powers that be realized that to end TOS with that drivel would probably be the final Sign of the Apocolypse.)
Otter just came in and saw what was on tv.  Then she yelled "It's the One About the Whales!"  There are times when I feel sorry for Billyboy, he's a little outnumbered on multiple levels.  :)


I've been doing some research on coyotes because I'm wondering about some of Frasier's habits.  Such as more or less walking with all four of his feet in "single file" (putting each foot in the step of the one in front of it.)  Coyotes do that, it turns out.

Like this:

That's coyote tracks in sand, but it's a pretty good example of how they walk.  With Frasier, it's more the front feet than all four but he will walk with all four feet in a line at times.
Bill is probably going to start getting firewood soon.  The lumberyard had a sign out that they have firewood available now.  $10.00 for a pallet full, we'll get at least two of those and maybe a third one as well.  So, he went out into the dog yard and checked on how much we have left from last year's.  He thinks it's about half a rick, or about a quarter of a cord.  He got out the chainsaw and cut some of it to smaller lengths - yes, the chainsaw and no injuries!  I cleaned up after the dogsters, they leave little "gifts" in the grass and Otter normally get that job (Lucky! Not really) but she was down with a migraine all day yesterday so it didn't get done.  So, I got the job today.  I dug down into three different mole trails in the back yard, found the tunnels which are very shallow and then I left them a "gift in the tunnel before burying it all.
It is going to be pretty cool this week, for last July.  It could well be in the 80's this week, and we may get rain Wednesday and/or Thursday.  Guess I'd better get busy and get as much water out of the rain barrel as I can.  I discovered today that the dog's outside water was growing another crop of skeeters.  The frog has not been seen in a while, we were afraid he might have become snake or hawk food but I almost stepped on him yesterday morning when I went out on the deck.  He was hopping around and seemed quite happy.  Otter was watering the crop (jalepenos!) so she watered the froggy as well - he seemed to like it, then he hopped off into the honeysuckle area at the edge of the deck.  He probably hopped back underneath the deck after that, he sometimes stays under there.
Speaking of frogs, tomorrow is Froggy Day!

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