Friday, July 25, 2014

Too Long For Friday to Get Here!

But it finally did.
And I, for one, am glad.  It's been a looooooooooooong week.
Froggy, blogger didn't tell me about the comment you left on the last entry until I signed in to post this.
Otter has had a pretty good week.  She's been at her current job just under a year.  A few months back, she got a promotion and a raise.  Yesterday, she had her annual performance review.  And she got another raise!
We had fajitas tonight, to celebrate.  And there is a Braum's ice cream pie in the freezer, strawberry cheesecake!  Not that anybody actually has any room for it, after the fajitas.  They were so, so good.
Yesterday, Otter had to be in at 5:00 a.m.  As in early in the morning before light 5:00 a.m.!  She got up at 4:00 a.m., so she could be at work on time.  About 3:30, I woke up.  I think I was probably subconsciously listening for her to get up.  I got up to see her for a few minutes before she went to work, then I went back to bed.  At about 4:30, Frasier barked in his "gotta go out now" bark so I got up to check on him - I had asked Otter to open the dog doors when she got up.  I thought maybe she'd forgotten the doors, but they were both open.  She said that Frasier watched her open them, so he knew that they were open.  But he couldn't go outside until mama (me!) showed him that they were open!  He's the dumbest smart dog I've ever seen.  He is such a goof.  Sweet, but still a goof. :)
This morning, I heard him bark so I got up to check the time.  It was 3:30!  I waited until he yapped the second time, then I went as far as the doorway of our room and hollered "Frasier!  Hush!  Go lay down!" and surprisingly, he actually listened to me and did what I told him to do.  I think we might need to reset his clock, he's a little confused as to what time to a) wake up and b) go outside.  I think it's because Otter's had quite a few early (5:30 a.m.) days lately and it's kind of mixing him up.
Maggie Moo has no problem with time, it's all naptime to her!  Except when it's time to eat.  She's always aware of that time on the clock.  :)

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