Thursday, July 31, 2014

Tales From the Bill Side, Part 298234821478923498724987

(And probably more to come in the future!)

Bill got to break in a new dermatologist today.  I think he actually liked this one, which almost never happens.  We were taken back to the exam room on time, the assistant was right in and took blood pressure, etc., the doctor came in very soon and he was very attentive.  He listened to Bill and explained everything to us very clearly.  He was polite.  And, most important, HE ALREADY KNEW ALL ABOUT THE CARE AND FEEDING OF REDHEADS!!  That alone tells me that he's thorough and knows how to care for his patients.

The upshot is that it was a skin cancer, it was the lightest of the three different kinds - the worst one is melanoma and that's the really BAD one that can kill you.  Most of the ones Bill has had have been the lightest but he's had a couple of the middle kind as well.  Today's was kind of tricky because of where it was on his hand.  There was also another little one beside it, I'm not sure if he got that one or not.  If not, it's a very slow-growing beastie and might not ever need to be removed if it doesn't really grow.  I think he did get it, but since Bill's hand is all wrapped up I can't go look at it!  He gave Bill the several small shots to numb his hand up (which did the normal puddling and not spreading out - part of the Redhead Curse) and while he was waiting for that to take effect, he literally zapped Bill's arms in many places with the freezing spray to get rid of several pre-skin cancer spots.  Then he got to work with the "slicing and dicing" tools and took out the big one.  He's fairly certain he got it all, but it's been sent to the lab to verify.  Then he put 16 stitches in Bill's hand, which come out two weeks from today.  The lab test should be back before that.  He gave Bill a prescription for an antibiotic ointment, which he's supposed to start using on Saturday because it needs to stay covered for 2 days.  The doctor also checked Bill over and didn't see anything to be concerned about, mostly they are on his arms and face when they show up but occasionally he'll have something pop up on his chest or back but there is nothing at the moment.

Bill's off work until Wednesday, he had already taken off today and tomorrow.  The doctor strongly suggested that he not even attempt to go in on Monday or Tuesday, which I agreed with because a)  I know Bill and b)  I know how they are where he works!  The doctor also said that a backrub before bedtime would be a good idea - I told Bill he will have go to find another masuese!  His alternative suggestion was a good, stiff drink.  That one, I can do.  The doctor was really funny, which was nice.  Bill actually likes him, I wish we'd gone to him last year when Bill had the surgery to remove the one on the bridge of his nose.  Also, since we paid for it ourselves they gave us a 50% discount.
Bill sent me to the liquor store after we got home, I think he's probably going to self-medicate and have that drink tonight.

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