Monday, October 20, 2014

Funny Monday Stuff

Well, funny stuff is funny.  But Monday is not!

Love this one!

Not a major fan of the 11th Dr.  (His tagline is that ______ are Cool and he fills in the blank with just about everything he sees.)   Not sure about the 12th, considering the "secret doctor" storyline which I guess would make the current one 13?   I've lost count.  But the point is, # 4 is THE BEST ONE.  # 1 was good, obviously because he was the first.  But 4 is the best!

Enlarge this one if you need to, it's worth the read!
As far the Monday stuff, it's just that:  Monday.  I picked Otter up at her apartment at 7:00 this morning and got her at work at 6:00 p.m to take her home.  I will also get her to work tomorrow, then she'll have the car for Wednesday.  Bill needs it Thursday and Friday, but I think she's off those two days.  She'll get the car Friday evening and bring it back after work Sunday.
On Monday, she is probably going to have the day off.  Which is because she requested it, due to the dentist appointment she has for a possible cavity that needs to be checked out.  Our dentist retired a few months ago so we need to find a new one, we're going to try a new one on Monday and see how he is.
Still no email.  Saturday night, the computer had a notation about "restarting in 2 days to finish installing updates."  Which is never true, it always does it the next time it's turned on.  I had to turn it back on to look something up after checking my email Saturday evening, and  the updates installed.  And I haven't been able to access my email since then.  Turns out, some of those "needed" updates included updating my not-broken-and-should-not-have-been-fixed email program!  There is a way to reset back to before the update, we tried that yesterday but it wouldn't take.  Probably because of the anti-virus program we have.  Bill talked to the computer geeks at work and they all told him the same thing:  Reload Office.  Which we will probably do this week.  Hopefully, that will a) work and b) I haven't lost all my emails.  I'm thinking we need to do a back up before we attempt to reload anything.  I did discover that there is a way to not have the updates install automatically, but we aren't making any changes until we're sure we've gotten everything working again.  Stupid Windows!
Maggie is snoozing at my feet, on the pillow I was going to use as a foot rest.  Frasier is probably curled up on their blankets, since that is what he usually does about this time of evening.
I think they both have the right idea:  frequent naps!

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