Monday, October 06, 2014

It's "THAT Time of Year" Again (and Other Stuff, Too!)

By "THAT Time of Year", I mean this time:

I can say that honestly this year, because what we refer to as the annual Persecution started early this year and has been more intense than usual.

However, we still say:

We won last year.  The result of that is that we are even more of a target than usual.  I've been tailgated closerthanthis multiple times for the last two or three weeks.  Which makes me hit my brakes just enough to make the lights light - that's always fun, because a)  Okies look so funny when they are surprised like that and b) if I do get hit - it is not my fault and I will not accept blame.  :)  But this year is the first time that Otter's really had to deal with it, at least as far as driving goes.  She and Roomie went to Michael's Craft Store on Saturday afternoon.  Otter called me when this happened, but she and Roomie came out of the store and there was a note stuck underneath the windshield wiper.  It basically said "I know what you did, you hit my car, I have witnesses, you didn't even apologize, I have your license number" and a woman's name was signed - however, she did not leave a phone number of any identifying information.  AND, Otter did have a witness that she a)  didn't hit a car, b) neither one of them dinged a car door or c)  didn't do anything at all.  AT ALL.  Since the person didn't leave a phone number, email address, anything at all, it's pretty obvious why the note was left.  I think that Otter said that the cars she was parked between were the same cars that were there when they came out of the store.  Roomie was floored that this sort of thing happens, and it's not just to us.  There are actually quite a few of Us here, and the majority of us have some type of emblem on our cars and wear hats/shirts/burnt orange on a regular basis - and a huge amount of it this time of year.  I've seen several times the normal amount this year.  Otter will have the car for the next several days including Saturday, she will bring it back Saturday afternoon well after the Game is over.  She originally expressed some concern about it, but now that she's had to deal with it she is angry about it and she's developing the Texas Attitude that we all seem to have increase upon moving to OklaBACKWARDShoma.  However, she is minding her P's and Q's when she's driving, since we have been pulled over by various police-type agencies before (once when my Okie Dad was in the car, and he was incensed!).  We're not the only ones, it has happened to several other ex-patriot TEXANS here.
Because we are, and will always be:


Other stuff now:

Froggy, blogger didn't tell me about your comment on the Taking Flight post.  I've signed in several times and it still didn't tell me that I had a comment waiting.  I'm kind of surprised that it actually told me today.
As I mentioned, Otter had the car on Saturday.  She actually had it from Friday afternoon until Sunday when she got off work.  She brought it back on Sunday and while her laundry was in the washer/dryer (she brought it but she also did the washing herself), we got the remaining stuff in her room boxed up.  Most of it is craft stuff or misc. stuff that she might eventually want but doesn't have a place for in her apartment.  It's boxed and stacked against the wall in her old room.  I'm going to go through some of the boxes and label them better, some of my craft stuff was with hers and I need to find mine.  She is willing to let me do that, that way she doesn't have to.  But I'm not going to get rid of anything, she has to do that.  Her closet still has some stuff in it, a few of her spring/summer clothes and probably more craft stuff.  She's bringing the car back on Saturday after she gets off work and we're going to box the closet contents up.  The clothes that she'll need in the spring will be labeled clearly, then I'm probably going to see how much of the box stacks I can get back into the closet.  Her bathroom still has a few things, she left some stuff like misc. earrings and that sort of thing.  Her nebulizer is still in the bathroom, I think it's going to stay here but I'm not sure.  I'm thinking that  lot of the stuff in the bathroom is actually stuff I can get rid of, rearrange or just put elsewhere.  Oh yeah, her desk is still in there and it's loaded with craft stuff - which she said I can box up and label.  She isn't taking the desk with her, it's going to become mine again unless she eventually has a place with room for it.
I have the door to the extra bedroom/Otter's old room/My playroom closed while the boxes are stacked in there.  I let Maggie Moo in there last night, she followed me in and was unsure why we were there - she kept staring up at me and was waiting to be petted.  Later on, I let her back in there again and that time I think she figured it out.  She was a little confused, she sniffed a few boxes and looked around a little bit but then she was fine.  Otter and I had been working with her over the last several weeks, getting her used to me being the main caretaker/feeder/spoiler of beagle with Otter's move in mind.  The beagle is now officially mine, although Otter retains ownership of the wiggly, cold nose and the very tip of her waggy tail.  Maggie was clingy at first, but she seems to be better.  Frasier was a little clingy as well, but he was "my" dog from the first second we met him.
It's still strange, not having Otter here.  But, along with the dog being gradually acclimated to the idea, Otter is a young woman and she's been more active out of the house with friends, etc., over the last couple of years and in some ways it doesn't feel that much different - however, she always came home from those outings!  Now, she's not here.  But she's home.  Just not at our home.

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