Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Maggie Update, Tuesday Things

Maggie Moogie Moo probably has a urinary tract or bladder infection.  The vet does not think that she has kidney stones or anything like that, she is probably not diabetic and he saw no signs of anything worse.  There is a possibility that she's just getting a little incontinent with age, but we're trying an antibiotic for a few days to see if that works.  She is also on a very mild pain pill, because uti's can be painful.  I've had one before, and they really hurt.  She also got her behind squashed and her claws trimmed while she was there.
She came in the door from the yard playful and terrorized Frasier into playing with her.  After they calmed down, I put him back out and she immediately headed to the closet where the leashes are kept.  I guess she figured out that he was being blocked out but she wasn't, so that must mean that she was going somewhere.  She was happy to get into the car and seemed very happy to get to the vet's.  She wasn't too thrilled when we were taken into an exam room, but she got better once we were in there.  She was happy to see the tech, and Maggie learned a new trick:  she watched the girl open the sliding door and close it again when she went out.  Then Maggie, the dumbest dog on the planet without exception, figured out that she could open the door again by pushing against the edge and getting her nose through!  She did it a couple of times, so it wasn't an accident.  Scary when the beagle acts smart!!!  She didn't want to go with the tech when it was time to get the butt squash, I think she knew what she was in for.  But she was very happy to come back to me and even happier when she realized we were heading for the door.
Otter was here when we got home, the beagle just erupted in happiness when she realized that.  Both dogs were happy to see Otter, Frasier saw here when she got here and then Maggie got to have some one-on-one time with Otter.
Otter went through a few boxes and condensed three into one box.  She added a couple of things to the donate pile and added several things to the trash bag.  She'll be back in a few days, she has the car the rest of the week and will bring it back Sunday morning.  And she'll probably bring her laundry as well, I told her that she can use my machines as long as she wants to so she's taking advantage of our offer.  Not that we mind!  She's going to go through several boxes on Sunday and we might even get to the closet.  That's going to be the fun part - NOT!  :)

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