Thursday, September 04, 2008

Checking In From Illness Central!

I'm still here and still sick, but I am a lot better. I did not get much sleep last night, but three of the times I woke up are Frasier's fault. For some reason, he decided that he needed to rearrange the carpet he was sleeping on - notice I said carpet and not his blanket! I woke up to hear him scratching around on the carpet and told him to stop. The first time, he left the bedroom. I think he just quit the 2nd and 3rd times. But I was awake many other times, mostly because I was so stuffed up I could hardly breathe. I decided to stay home again today, I am finally fever-free but I have a really bad cough and I'm still sneezing. A lot. I have also had a headache nearly constantly since about Tuesday. I'm also very sore from the coughing. I'm going to work tomorrow, and hopefully I will be able to stay the entire day.

And if that's not enough to deal with, Bill started having symptoms last night. He had a sore throat and then he still had one this morning, and he was starting to get sniffly and coughing some. I told him that he's forbidden from getting sick but he might not listen to me! It seems to take a couple of days to really settle in, so if he's going to get sick it should be about Saturday.

My friend Virginia's custody hearing is Monday. The process server finally located her son-in-law and served him, so the hearing can go forward. As of this morning's email from her, nobody has heard from him. He has a couple of options. He can show up and protest, he can show up and not contest it, or he can just not show up - which would effectively mean that he's not contesting it. The third option would really be the best for everyone, especially those precious children. He has taken them before and kept them for days, then brought them back when he got tired of having to be responsible. Brought them back filthy, not having had a bath in days and he's also brought them back hungry. As in not having meals. Any prayers would be appreciated, the best thing for those children really would be for their custody to be given to their maternal grandparents.

It's finally quit raining. The sun is shining but it's still a little cloudy. I looked out the front window while ago and we have two smaller limbs down. It was windy all day Tuesday and yesterday, and both limbs look like they've been dead for a while. But Gustav has moved on north of here, and the weather is nice today. Or at least it looks like it's nice though my window!

I have managed to get a little bit of laundry done today and I ran the dishwasher. But neither of those are hard chores to do, mostly I've been on the couch with a quilt and a book. And I'm heading back there shortly. I don't want the couch to feel lonely! Besides, I've been up long enough and I'm starting to get really tired. So, back to the couch with me now.
My new image at the side of the posts is courtesy of Milehimama blog.

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