Wednesday, September 03, 2008

Just Checking In Briefly

I'm still here. And I'm still sick. I went to work yesterday, then I came home about 9:00 or thereabouts and I stayed home today. When I called my boss to tell him I wasn't coming in, the first words out of his mouth were to tell me that he wanted me to stay home today.

I did have to get out today, it was raining and very windy (Gustav remnants) so I took Otter to school. She's still got quite a bit of congestion and we didn't want her to have to stand out in it at the bus stop so I took her myself. But then I came home, got back into my pj's and parked myself on the couch. With a blanket, kleenex (I went through 2 boxes today), plenty of water and a dog on the floor next to me. Frasier spent pretty much all day beside me, he slept a lot of the time but he would also come up to me and rest his head on me - his version of a hug, I think. I got up a couple of times but mostly I was lazy. I have fever still, I took it mid-afternoon, then Dr. Otter insisted on taking it again after she got home and I still have it, but it's less than earlier. I just got up to check my email and I'm heading back to my couch and my quilt in a few minutes.
I'll have a few political observations in the next few days, when I feel better and can get my thoughts together where they'll make sense. (No comments from Froggy or Toadly about me making sense!)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'll save the comments until you are well.
Get Well Quick.