Friday, September 05, 2008

Friday's Installment from Illness Central!

Well, Bill's got it now. He was up a lot last night, unable to sleep. When I got up, he said he had a sore throat and he sounded rough. He was also starting to cough. So he decided to stay home today. I went to work, although I still felt cruddy. There were a few things I really needed to get done. By 9:00, I knew I was cratering and was about to head home. Which is when my older boss got there. And he immediately started yelling at me. Not because I'd been sick most of this week. No, he was mad at me because he said I never should have come in! He basically ordered me home, but I was about to head that way anyway. I left about 9:30. I had to drop some mail off at the post office, I "did a drive-by" with that and then I realized that my car was on fumes so I went to the gas station. And then I stopped at Wallyworld because I'd run out of soy milk this morning and I don't like to do without that - it helps with hot flashes. But I still got home pretty quickly. The dogs were happy to see me, Bill was still parked and is now napping. I can hear him snoring. Frasier is asleep in the floor beside me, and I think that Maggie might be curled up in Otter's bed.

I do feel a lot better, but that's not saying a lot. I am still coughing up a storm and it's extremely painful. It reminds me of several years ago when I fell off of the teeter-totter and bruised/broke a few ribs. (Long story, involves my big brother). Anyway, I am not coughing quite as often but when I do cough it seems like I cough harder. My lungs are just plain sore. I'm also at what we call "the talking stage" with my asthma. We call it that because when Otter gets to that point, she can not quit talking. In my case, I usually want to get up and move around which generally involves having to clean something. (I unloaded the dishwasher and swept the kitchen floor. I would have done more but Bill wouldn't let me). It's actually a strange phenomenon that occurs when you are not getting as much oxygen as you need. The body's response is to get you moving one way or the other, it's an effort to generate activity which would make you breathe more thereby getting more oxygen into your system. I don't know if it's ever been officially recognized by the medical profession, but I have heard of it before and I've also seen/felt it in action! I have a friend who has really bad asthma as does one of her daughters, and they have had to deal with it as well. Froggy, what about your asthmatic offspring?

I guess everybody's seen my new picture on the blog, over on the side above the Israel Flag. I want to be very clear on this one: I am extremely pro-life. No reasons at all can ever justify the destruction of what is a living Human being from the moment of conception. In other words, murder of the unborn. I realize that not everyone shares my viewpoint, and I don't expect it. But that is my opinion on the matter. It is always a very important issue for me in any election. It always will be. And I'm not alone, my entire household agrees with me. Because they choose to, of their own free will.
Ok, enough with the politically charged stuff. For the moment.
Virginia and David's custody hearing is at 9:00 Monday morning. They have to be at the courthouse by 9:00, they don't know if the actual hearing will be at 9:00 or if that's when the docket opens. There might be other cases on the docket, but sometime Monday is when the issue will hopefully be decided. Virginia is very nervous, which is expected. I'd be a basket case if I were in her position. So, I'm still asking for prayers for this situation.
I can hear the Magginator, sounds like she's in the living room and is playing with something. I'd better go check on her, her buddy Frasier is still asleep and Bill's still snoring! We had a fly problem this morning, about 4 of them and it's her heart's desire to catch one. She might be chasing one. There was one that kept landing on her back and tail earlier, I almost think that it knew what it was doing and it like to drove her nuts. (That is not a grammar goof, it's Texas-speak.) She's crazy to start with, but she was even nuttier than usual with that fly bugging her. So I'm going to go see what she's up to, because when Maggie is left to her own devices bad things can happen! :) Oh, she just came in to see me so I guess she either caught the fly or got tired of the game.

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