Sunday, September 07, 2008

Sunday Drivers

We just got back in from a driving lesson. Otter is doing great. She drove us around the neighborhood, the streets behind us and part of the neighborhood next to ours. The professional teacher comes Tuesday, and I think she is ready. Bill worked with her a little bit on parallel parking last week. I'm not even going to attempt that one, I can't parallel park on a good day! (Depth perception is for the birds).

We are all in various stages of recovery from the cold, Otter still has some congestion and an occasional cough. I am still coughing, not as much but still hard coughs. My lungs are sore but my ribs aren't as tender as they were. Bill managed to avoid a bad case of the bug, he has some congestion issues and some coughing but he has had the lightest case of it out of the three of us. But we skipped church this morning, we really don't feel like we are up to going anywhere. The driving lessons might be the only time anybody actually goes anywhere today, and I'm not really sure if that counts or not!

I made a pot of beans this morning, and now the whole house smells like pinto beans. I am probably going to make some cornbread in a little while, possibly jalepeno cornbread. I make beans the way Mom taught me, it takes about 3 hours but they are so good. I'll put it in small containers and freeze them. I am thinking I might make my famous soup in the next several days and freeze some of it as well.

I'm also doing what little laundry I have and there are a few household chores that I might get done. But mostly, we're just taking it easy today. Bill and I both woke up early, around 5:30 (Thanks Frasier!). So we had coffee and sat out on the deck before dawn. It was very nice out there, but there was a little bit of lightning so we didn't stay out there very long. But it's going to be mild weather today, so I might go back out there this afternoon. I like to sit out there and read. But it depends on my lungs, there are some weeds at the back fence line that I think are ragweed - I haven't investigated them yet so I'm not sure.

Possibly we had a bat on the front porch this morning. I went out to get the paper after we'd come in from the deck and it wasn't quite light yet. When I opened the door, I turned on the porch light. As I went out the door, something dropped down from the front porch and flew off. It bumped the roof of the porch first, then it managed to get out from under the porch. I only saw it out of the corner of my eye, so I'm not positive it was a bat. But it wasn't a bird, and it was a lot bigger than a bug. If it was a bat, I wish it would come back! We still have quite a few mosquitos for it to eat.

At least it was better than last week, when I walked out on the deck and went right through a huge spider web! Big spider, too. It at least managed to get out of my way, but it was probably upset that I'd gone through the web. Took forever to get all that stuff out of my hair! I swear that spider gave me a dirty look as it climbed up onto the roof! :)

I might get a few things on eBay today. Maybe. Or maybe not. Just depends. This might be updated later today, so check back. But I did want to remind everyone of my prayer request for Virginia's hearing tomorrow. Also - there are two birthdays this coming week! More about those later.

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