Monday, September 15, 2008

No More Complaints About Being Bored!!!

Because it always comes back to bite me. I said I was bored yesterday. Then I had to spend a couple of hours at the ER with Otter and a banged-up knee. She's fine, her knee is ok and her father has now been lectured by both Otter and myself about not over-reacting! But I'm not going to complain about being bored again. Because now I think it's Billyboy's turn! And that's always a Very Bad Thing.

Today would have been Dad's birthday. We're going to have peanut M&M's in his memory in a little while. They were about his favorite candy, he had such a sweet tooth. He loved children, dogs and anything sweet to eat. I miss him a lot.

Otter has another driving lesson tomorrow. Then she has her final one on Thursday. I was going to take her driving after work today, but I had to hang around the phone in case Bill called me to come get him since he was having car trouble today. It is something he can fix but it made it dicey for him to drive the van. Then when he did make it home, we had to go to the auto parts store for the part he needs. After that, he mowed the back yard and we got dinner organized (spaghetti!) and then it was just too late. I'll try to take her Wednesday and let her get some practice in.

We are still having a fly problem. We can not figure out where they are coming from. There were two that just suddenly appeared out of nowhere when we were eating dinner, they just appeared over the table and then they suddenly turned into 3. As I watched, two became three. I think that they must be cloning themselves. I wish they'd stop, because the Venus flytraps can't eat another bite! They can only consume so much at a time, then the leaves stop closing until they need more food. And they are very well-fed at the moment, so I don't think they'll be ready for another meal for several days at least.

Perfect early-fall weather here. It's still officially summer, but I am considering it to be Fall. Really beautiful lately. It's supposed to be very nice this week, and it might even get into the 40's the next few nights. Not long now until winter!

It's been a fast year. It seems like it should just be early summer or late spring, and now it's already mid-September. Wow.

We have a few things on eBay now. I listed a few things this afternoon, and I'll be listing more this week. I have a few more things that I've cleaned out and we also have some shirts, warm socks and gloves to list. We bought a bunch of stuff at an Army surplus store that closed due to the owners retiring, in June when Otter was at camp. We got a bunch of shirts out of it, several pairs of gloves and lots of socks. We bought it to resell and there are still quite a few things left. I haven't quite gotten to listing that stuff yet, but we will get on it soon. We were waiting until the weather started to turn. And since it seems to be turning, I guess we'd better get busy!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

On your fly problem-have you brought any plants or anything inside from outside?