Sunday, April 26, 2009


We just took the White Lightning for a joyride. Well, Bill calls it a test run after the work he did on it today. But we all know that it was really just an excuse for him to play with his toy. Can't say I blame him, really. It's a cool car. Of course, I could have done without the loud boom at the end of the ride when it backfired!

We made a discovery Thursday afternoon. There is a cardinal nesting inside the trellis on the back porch. The trellis is two pieces separated by several inches, just wide enough for a bird to build a nest. It's a very good spot, actually. Protected from the wind and rain and also shady. And also protected from two dogs who are not being allowed out of their yard for more than a few minutes each day and then only when we are out there! I figure that we have between two and three weeks until the egg hatches and the baby fledges. There were two eggs, one fell out and broke which is how we discovered that there was a nest. I don't know if mama bird has laid another egg or if it's just the one. No sign of a dove nest yet on the front porch but it is still a little early for them.

This is going to probably sound strange. I know it did to me. Otter was also amused by this. Bill has been named the Safety Director for his department! Bill and Safety are two words that are very seldom mentioned in the same sentence, except to say that he's not very safe most of the time. But then again he might be the best qualified person for the job - after all, he's had all that experience with getting injured! He could be the example of what NOT to do. :)

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