Wednesday, April 01, 2009

Update, Otter's Birthday, March Books

Otter very thoughtfully shared the cold-type bug with me, the one she had last week. I'm coughing my head off, and my throat felt like it had been attacked with brillo pads for a while. My throat is better, it's now more irritated by the cough than actually sore. I have gone through a lot of kleenex! It seems to last a couple of days, I'm on the mend but not fast enough to suit me. The sore throat started Monday, I went to work yesterday but left early. I thought I would feel better this morning, but I actually felt worse than yesterday. When I called in, my 92-year old boss told me that I needed to go buy some bourbon because it would cure the cough - or if it didn't cure the cough, I wouldn't care! He's funny.

Otter enjoyed her birthday. She got her presents from us yesterday morning, and an envelope from Nana. We gave her Itunes $, the ear bud head set she wanted and a Sims game for her computer. (But I think her favorite birthday present is still the one she got 3 years ago - Maggie!) Our dinner plans got changed a little bit, Sweetie wasn't feeling too good so they were not able to go with us. So Otter decided on Chinese food instead of Golden Corral. I picked her up from school yesterday and we met Bill at the Chinese place we like. It was a good meal and we all enjoyed it. We had birthday cake when we got back to the house. The cake was good, WalMart does have a good bakery at least. Otter will get to see Sweetie and Grandpa in the near future, she is looking forward to that. She'll just extend her birthday celebrations a little while. :)

Here's my March book list:

1. Farmer Boy, Laura Ingalls Wilder.
2. Scarlet Feather, Maeve Binchy.
3. Warman's Carnival Glass 2nd Edition, Ellen T. Shroy. Research!
4. Collectible Glassware from the 40's-50's-60's 7th Edition, Gene & Cathy Florence. More research.
5. American Pattern Glass Table Sets by Gene & Cathy Florence. I think this is about the 3rd time I've read this one, I'm researching specific things.

6. Heart & Soul, Maeve Binchy. This is a new one at least!
7. Batman: Snow.
8. Jeff Foxworthy's Redneck Dictionary. This one is really funny.
9. Ultimate CSI by Jerry Bruckheimer. Stuff about the tv show.
10. Batman Detective by Paul Dini.
11. Woodstock, a Bird's Eye View by Charles M. Schultz.
12. Mayberry Memories by Ken Beck & Jim Clark.
13. Circle of Friends by Maeve Binchy.
14. The Return Journey by Maeve Binchy.

Lots of reruns in March, I haven't had a lot of time to hit the library.

I cleaned out my kitchen cabinets! I have two cabinets that have pots & pans, these were the big cabinets. I pulled everything out of them and sorted through everything. The dogs were a big help, Frasier watched over me and Maggie had to sniff everything. I literally filled up the trunk of my car with stuff for Goodwill! I now have two cabinets that are organized better, and not full of stuff I don't want, need or ever intend to use. Some of it came from auctions, there were 3 plastic pitchers that I know did. Two broiler pans, 2 steamer baskets, cake pans that were all from auctions. I had a pressure cooker that I bought, sometime shortly after we moved into our old house so about 15 years ago and I think I only used it once or twice right after I bought it when we had a garden. Also a meat slicer that I did use quite a bit, but not in the last several years. And a whole bunch of other stuff! It's all gone bye-bye now.

Bill's nearly through with the garage clean out project. He's now worked his way around to the shelf between our work benches. He's thrown out so much stuff, and also donated a boatload. Or at least a couple of trunkloads! As soon as he's through, Otter and I are going to tackle our areas. I cleaned off & reorganized my work bench a couple of months ago, but I'm going to hit it again and we are also going to clean out Otter's shelf and work bench at the same time. I don't think that there is much from our areas that we'll get rid of, but we haven't really been able to get to her bench or shelf for many months so neither of us are really sure what's there. That might be Sunday afternoon. But soon, Otter is itching to get out there and craft!
The dogs have not had access to the big part of the yard since sometime last week. We didn't let them out there when it was raining, then we had the snow and now it's muddy season. They will probably be let out there in a couple of days. There is a very brave squirrel that we've seen in the back yard. He's obviously looking for Frasier, but he seems to be getting braver. I saw him jumping down from one of the (empty) birdfeeders yesterday, then I saw him leap onto the deck. We saw him Saturday, he jumped down from a tree and went into the dog house. We don't think he was nesting in there, it was raining and starting to snow and we think he was just seeking shelter. I hope that he doesn't get to complacent, because Frasier will be out there in just a few days and he's come very close to catching this squirrel more than once.
Run, rodent, run.

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