Friday, April 03, 2009

Tales From the Cold Side

That is my poor attempt at humor! I still have the cold, although it is better. I actually made it to noon before I gave up and came home today. It's still hanging on, but I do feel a little bit better. Colds always hit me hard. So far so good as far as my asthma is concerned.
I did make one stop on the way home. I went to Wallyworld. And bought 3 huge boxes of lotion kleenex! I've gone through a lot of kleenex this week.

When I got home, I let the poochies in. They ran around like headless chickens for a few minutes, then they calmed down. They are parked on the floor beside me as I type this. Maggie wants to be groomed, but Frasier is not interested. She keeps arranging herself where she's right in front of his face and when he moves, so does she. Eventually, he'll get tired of it and give in. Then she'll be happy. Of course, Maggie is happy 99% of the time. It comes from being insane, I think. Frasier is Mr. Cool most of the time.

I think I have another craft project figured out. I've been thinking about making a braided rag rug for a while, and I finally decided that I'm going to. We have quite a few scraps left over from the various quilts and I still have a lot of other fabric that I've never done anything with. A few months back, I cleaned out a lot of my fabric & quilt scraps but I still have a lot left and probably have enough to make a rug. I don't think it will be hard to make one, I looked online and found directions but the instructions were pretty much what I already knew how to do. I might get started on it tomorrow, but in the next few days at least.

Frasier said that maybe next week he'll want to do a Friday post. Right now, both doggies are dozing off. They have it made, those two. Spoiled!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

My new collection!!!!!!!!!