Thursday, April 02, 2009

Coughing My Head Off!

I hate colds. I'll be glad when this one is gone. Colds have always hit me hard. I think that what Otter got and gave to me is a "plain old" cold. I've been coughing really hard today and I'm tired of it. Coughing is actually a good thing, when you have asthma. Coughing helps the lungs to stay clear. But coughing is hard on the body and I've coughed myself dizzy a couple of times today. I did go in to work, but I left after about an hour and a half. I'm going to attempt it tomorrow, we'll see how I do.

Did I mention that I hate colds?

Since I have plenty of time on my hands, I started another crochet project. Bill was teasing me about needing to use up some of my yarn before I go get more (at least he had better have been teasing me!). So I decided to see what I could come up with using some of my smaller amounts. Then it occured to me that I've been storing my crochet hooks in a ziploc baggie and that I should make a holder for them. I'm using the basic pattern as the nail kit & eye glasses holder. I used up the last of the Lipstick color yarn (yea!) and quite a bit of two other small yarn balls. I think I'm going to get back to making clothes hanger covers, I have a bunch of small amounts of assorted yarn colors and the covers don't have to be a particular color or colors.

Otter's science class has been disecting things. She's less than enthused. They started with earthworms, which really didn't bother her. Then they moved on to cradwads - Crayfish to all you non-Texans, but we know that the proper name is crawdads. Or mudbugs. She said that it was disgusting and that she could hardly eat lunch after that class. Which is surprising, considering that she's usually her mother's daughter when it comes to blood and "substances." But she had recovered sufficiently by the time I picked her up to want a hot dog from a convenience store!
OK, I'm off to my couch now. My crochet hook is calling me! Also, I feel another coughing fit about to come on. Have I mentioned how much I detest colds?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

what about my collection that you started for me? You could crochet some for that.
Sorry that you are feeling bad. Get well soon.
Drink a lot of water and chicken noodle soup is good for you.