Monday, April 13, 2009

Maggie's Monday Moosings

Baroo! That's Beagletalk. It means Hello. Sometimeses it means Go Away. Sometimeses it means I'm happee.

But I'm not happee right now. The hoomans are being so mean to mee. All I want to do is take a nap in a soffft, warrrm sleeping spot and they won't let mee.

It's a big jump to the soffft spot but I'm strong and can jump high. But do they notice that? Arrrre they proud of my jumping ability? NO!

They keep making me get down off of the soffft sleeping spot. But they let me get on the soffft sleeping spot in my mama's den. But I am not allowed on the other soffft sleeping spot. The night before now, I was going to get on the soffft sleeping spot since it was darrrk and it was sleep time. But my mama's mom pushed me off into the flooorrr! Well, I guess shee was surprised when I landed on her. I didn't know shee was there until I jumped. I wish I was able to stay up there with her, I could have made sure shee was warrrm like I do with my mama.

My mama's mom is Fraiser's mom. I told him about how mean the hoomans are to mee, but hee said that I was being spoiled and silly. I don't know why hee thinks I'm spoiled. I'm not spoiled. I'm also not silly! He's the silly dogg in the pack. He's just jealous because I have a pretty pink collar and all he has is a yuckkky yellow one.

Maybe this day sleeping time when it's dark will be the time that they let me get up there. I'm going to keep trying.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I agree with you Maggie. You should
be allowed on the warm sleeping space (Couch). Yes, Frasier is the spoiled and silly one. You are the beautiful one.