Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Dog Tired

That describes me today.  And also Otter.  And I think Billyboy's right in there with us.

Otter's tired because she had to do a lot of walking at school today.  Bill's tired because he had a hard day at work today.  I'm tired because I had a looooooooooooooooooong day at work followed by an exhausting trip to the grocery store.

Also, it was 108 today.  Which might have something to do with it!

(Note to self:  go get the sun tea off of the deck.  Don't wait until dark this time).

Froggy, I have looked through my stash and I think I have several colors of yarn that your friend will like.  I did have to go buy purple, I seem to use a lot of that color for some reason.  (Otter, probably!).  But I have several others to use with it.  I'll let you know when I get it done, but I probably won't have time to start on it before Saturday.  I'll send it to you along with your sock monkey hat and swiffer cover.

Otter gets to see the dentist tomorrow.  The stitches come out!  She's doing great, she being somewhat careful with what she eats obviously.  But she's pretty much recovered from the oral surgery.  Although jello is still on her menu.  But it generally is.

The dogs are still lazy, no change there.  No surprise, either!

OK, short update but at least it's done.  So, Froggy - you can't gripe at me now about not blogging! :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I can always find a reason to gripe at you. looking forward to getting my hat and cover and my friends stuff.
That was some bad bug I had yesterday. I have slept some this afternoon and still feel wiped out. It is going to be very hot this weekend, so other than Ccurch I think I am staying home and resting.