Thursday, August 25, 2011

The End Is In Sight

The end of this looooooooooong, HOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOT Summer, that is.

I realized today that it will be September 1st one week from today.  It's been a long summer in many ways, but it also seems to have flown by.  Except for the part in the middle where it was well beyond hot for many, many days.  That part kind of crawled.  But the rest of it has been quick.

And different.  It was kind of strange not to have to go buy school supplies.  (Well, we did but they were textbooks and cost a lot more than school supplies ever did!)  It was kind of strange not to have to go out to a public school to pick up a schedule and locker assignment, order a yearbook, etc..  It was kind of strange to realize yesterday that today is the day the local public school opened.  It was even stranger this morning to hear the school bus going down the street and realize that we didn't have to hurry Otter out the door to catch it!  (Yesterday, the way I realized that today is the local school start is because the buses had their practice runs).  We're wondering if the dogs are still going to be waiting at the door when the school bus goes by, they always knew that the sound meant that Otter was going to be coming in the door shortly.  But she didn't ride the bus too much last year, and they didn't always wait by the door after she stopped riding it often.

Otter's unstrung!  Or at least her stitches are out.  The dentist said that everything looks great.  She's thinking that it will probably be about a year before we know for sure on the top two.  They will most likely have to come out, no matter how straight they come in, because Otter doesn't have enough room for them.  At any rate, Otter was very happy because she can eat regular food now and can use a straw again.  But tops are easier than bottoms, or so the dentist told me.  Whatever, we'll worry about that if/when we have to.

But the tooth fairy might be on vacation then! :)  Maybe she'd better start saving her money now?


Anonymous said...

This is a text comment I have commented on some lately and the comment never appears. Is blogger having problems? Froggy

Otter Mom said...

I'm not aware of blogger having problems, but it does frequently.