Monday, August 15, 2011

We're Booked!

Text books, that is.  To the tune of $375.00.  Only one is used, the others are all new.  One of them, a workbook, we knew we'd buy new.  But we wanted to see if we could find any of the others used locally.  Or online.  No luck, so we went back to the school store today and bought them there.  The only one that is used is the only one they had as used last week when we made our reconnaisance trip so we weren't surprised.  But at least Otter's all stocked up now.  She might still need a laptop, she probably will in fact, but we are going to wait and see on that.

This is going to be a crazy busy week.  Today was fairly busy, and the rest of the week is going to be worse.  Bill's working a "boring" (Board) meeting tonight, so we took him dinner.  Froggy, we went to Braum's!  Otter and I also made the aforementioned trip to the college, and we went to the bank and library.  Otter's oral surgery is Thursday, so we made the library run today when we had the time.  She's well stocked with books to read, which is probably what she'll spend most of Friday doing.  When she's not watching assorted anime dvd's from her collection that she has been avoiding watching lately so she'd have something new to watch.

Tuesday is maybe the slow day for the week, I have a smaller list of things to do after work but I'm not really sure about how much I'll actually manage to get done because the car goes to the repair shop bright and early.  Wednesday is the really busy day, because we need to hit the grocery store as well as several other things that need to be done before Thursday.  I'm also going to need to go to the post office sometime this week, and we might take the recycling stuff.

Thursday is wisdom teeth day.  Otter's part won't be busy, and she'll probably sleep for quite a bit of the day.  Especially if she needs the pain meds the dentist will prescribe for her.  I intend to get a few things done around the house Thursday afternoon.

Friday, Bill will be home with her if she needs him to be.  I'll go back to work, and probably collapse in a heap at my desk!

I might surface around Sunday?

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