Friday, August 19, 2011

Oh Goodie! It's Friday!

Otter's doing really good today.  She went to bed early last night and slept until about 9:30 this morning, so she had over 12 hours of sleep and it helped her a lot.  She's still got soreness where the teeth were pulled, but it's better.  She's still taking motrin and probably will for another day, maybe two.  She's eating a little more.  I made chicken noodle soup tonight, with shredded chicken and lots of pasta.  She had two bowls of it, so I know she was really hungry.  I remember when I had my major dental work and couldn't eat much at all, after about 3 days of little food I was almost unable to function.

And yes, the tooth fairy did come!  I had Otter roll up some loose change for me the other day, it came to $7.50.  I piled it on her spot at the table and put the tooth container on top of it.  She thought it was really funny when she found it this morning.

I'm about to go in search of a glass of wine.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I think its great that the tooth fairy paid a visit. Froggy