Sunday, August 28, 2011

Sunday Whatever

I can't think of a really good title today.  I'm tired, and it's kind of been a "whatever" day today.  We've been busy around the house, Otter and I had a couple of errands and we went to church.  Normal stuff.  Just not anything spectacular going on!  Laundry, of course.

Froggy, I started the scarf for your friend yesterday.  I'm about half-way through it.  It's mostly reds & oranges with some yellows, the cap will probably be purples.  De-stashing is fun!  Of course, de-stashing means that I'll have to go buy more yarn at some point - or at least, that's what Otter told me this afternoon when we were at a fabric store.  (I think she was trying to justify the large stash of fabric & sewing supplies she has, and enabling me is apparently the way to go).   :)

We've watched some of the coverage of the hurricane, it's kind of hard to avoid it.  Having been through a few in S. TEXAS, we know what it's like.  We were pretty far inland from the coast, so we didn't get the brunt of it or the wave/water surge, but we did get the winds, thunder, hail and occasional twisty thing.  We also had to go to Pt. Aransas and help clean out the clubhouse that Dad's war veteran buddies had.  But we are always amazed at the stupidity of some people - specifically the reporters!  If there is a bad storm with humongous winds and lots of water coming at you, the last thing you need to do is go stand out in it!  Yet every storm, there are always several reporters who do just excatly that.  Not to report, either.  Just for attention for the network, I guess.  Also, the people who live in the areas probably have more than enough to deal with, without having to worry about reporters risking their lives just for a story.  We were watching one of the news shows, I guess it was early Friday morning, and the reporter was standing right at the edge of a road overlooking a coastal area.  It's pouring, the wind is blowing hard and what does he do?  Flags down a cop just to talk!

While we are on the subject of weather, it's warm here.  Not particularly hot, but it is humid and that's causing a problem for my asthma.  Otter's having allergy issues, with some mild asthma triggered but part of her problem is probably related to the fact that she couldn't use her daily inhaler during the recovery time from the oral surgery.  It's the type of inhaler that is triggered by suction, and it was not something she could do while she was waiting on the stitches to be removed and the dentist to ok it.  It's a cumulative effect, she's been able to use it since Friday morning but the few days without it have had an effect.  Not a bad one, just enough that she's noticed it.  Ragweed is also starting to go crazy, and that bothers both of us.  Something is also affecting my skin.  I'm itchy!  No idea what it could be, I have not been around anything that could be bothering me.

Lots of hummingbirds lately.  We have 3 that we see on a regular basis, with a couple of other showing up occasionally.  And geese!  Geese are pretty common here, they are all over the place and there are several spots where they congregate.  More than once, I've had to wait for them to cross the street while driving to/from work.  There is a huge flock that mostly lives at Otter's school campus, one in particular named Cleopatra that apparently sees all the students as invaders in her territory and she tells them about it!  When Otter had her orientation at the school, Cleopatra decided that she wanted Otter's cookie and followed her around for quite a while, honking!  (No, Otter did not share her cookie with Cleopatra).

I think we're getting our flu shots this coming Friday.  I don't want to wait any longer than we have to, and we specifically picked Labor Day weekend because of the Monday holiday.  Last year, I had a slightly worse reaction than normal and it lasted the entire weekend and into Monday.  So, this year we chose a 3-day weekend.  Which pretty much guarantees that I'll have little to no reaction at all!  Part of last year's reaction was very possibly because of the swine flu vaccine being included.  Otter is wondering if the Red Head curse will occur this year.

Froggy, you asked about problems with blogger and comments not posting.  I haven't had any issues with it, so I'm not sure what the problem is.  I have checked all my blog features and the spam folder that blogger has, but I don't have any comments that haven't been posted.  Are you sure you finished the process, and didn't skip the final step?

Guess that's it for today!


Anonymous said...

We have had so many white wing doves at our bird bath that they have to stand in line on different tree branches. The smaller birds get in there in between the doves. They are really fun to march.
It is really hot and dry here and we are having air quality alert days. 110 yesterday-set all kinds of records. We were watching a movie on netflix when the electricity went out and then came back on. Unfortunately the ac came on but was only giving hot air. Crazy Uncle checked it out and the breaker (only 30 years old) had blown. We went to home depot and bought a new one and replace it. Then we crossed our fingers and prayed that the ac was OK. IT WAS. It took a while to cool down but it did. we keep the thermostat at 81. There are time that having an engineer in the house is well worth all their mess. Froggy

Otter Mom said...

I agree about having an engineer in the house! Although there are times... (a good example of a bad time is when your sewer collapses and the engineer won't call anyone to replace it, because the engineer's creed includes: Nobody can do it right besides me.)