Thursday, August 18, 2011

Updating the Update!

Otter's doing pretty good this evening.  She took a pain pill shortly after we got home, but it did very little.  It made her barely drowsy and did not help the pain at all.  So she took a couple of motrin and they helped a lot.  She's taken a 2nd dose of motrin and will probably take another dose before bedtime.  (Bedtime will probably be early for all of us, we're all tired.  It's been a long day.)  She was pretty miserable this morning.  But the motrin did the job.

She used ice packs early on, and they helped. She has a slight amount of facial swelling, but it's not that bad.

Otter's had yogurt and jello today, and she had her father's famous mashed potatos with a little gravy for dinner tonight.  She said she might have some more jello later on, or possibly some of her ice cream.

However, she is a true redhead and that means that she had to get an extra shot at one point during the procedure.  She did have a little bleeding, more than a non-redhead but not excessive.  Not excessive for a redhead, anyway.  But that was not unexpected.

She's much better this evening and is very glad that it's over and done with.


Anonymous said...

glad she id doing ok. You probably know this but she should not use straws at all. The dentist Lee went to said no straws even with stitches.

Otter Mom said...

No straws or anything that would cause any amount of suction, because of the risk of disturbing the clots which would cause a dry socket. She's very aware of Uncle Crazy's problems he had, she was talking about that yesterday.

Anonymous said...

I have had dry socket 3 or 4 times. It is not fun at all. Froggy

Otter Mom said...

I have never had it. Not when I had all 4 wisdom teeth pulled at age 15, nor when I had most of my other teeth pulled at age 40. I'm glad I missed it. Billyboy had it when he had his wisdom teeth pulled, which was in his early or mid-20's. He was not fun to live with!