Thursday, August 18, 2011

Quick Otter Update

Otter came through her oral surgery with flying colors.  No problems at all, the dentist said she did really well.  She was a little loopy after the procedure, from the nitrous oxide. But she's in good spirits.  We did stop at Walgreen's and get her prescription for pain pills filled.  She hasn't taken one yet, but she knows she can if she needs to.  The dentist also said that she can take advil/motrin/ibuprofen which we already had on hand.

Otter's in her room at the moment, she was going to relax and play a game on her wii.  She's had to change the gauze in her mouth once, which she said was really gross (and it was) but she's doing really good.

Me?  Well, I'm tired.  I got up at 4:15 or thereabouts with Bill although he'd actually been up since about 3:30.  I fed him breakfast and got his lunch made, then sent him out the door.  I made two different kinds of jello after that (yellow and red).  Then I got in the shower and then got Otter up at 6:30.  I had breakfast with her, then we went to the dentist.  I've also had massive amounts of caffiene in the form of coffee.  I just might have to take a nap later on.

Otter goes back to the dentist in a week to get the stitches removed.

By the way, the dentist gave her the two wisdom teeth!  Guess the Tooth Fairy will have to come out of retirement! They are actually pretty big and I can see why there was not going to be enough room for them in Otter's jaw.  Hopefully, the top two won't be an issue.  At this point, the dentist doesn't think so.  But the bottom two did have to come out, no doubt about that.

Now, where did the Tooth Fairy leave her wings?


Anonymous said...

what is the current amount the tooth fairy leaves for wisdom teeth? I am sure it has gone up a lot in the past few years. Froggy

Otter Mom said...

$7.50 in change. She was very amused to find it this morning.