Tuesday, February 28, 2012


I cleaned the fireplace this afternoon.  Usually, I just scoop out most of the ashes so that it's clean enough to be used again soon.  But, with this nice warm winter we've had, I don't think we've used it more than a handful of times.  And since the next several days' forecast is for warm weather, I really don't see us using it again any time soon.  Like probably not until next Fall!

So, this time it got the full cleaning.  Which involves finding a towel that I won't care if it gets ruined, because I need to pull out the wood rack and bricks the rack sits on.  There is also a metal grill that fits over the wood rack, which helps the smaller logs & pieces to stay in place so that they burn and not just smolder.  The next step is to scoop out as much ash as possible, then get the small broom/brush to get as much remaining ash into the scoop as possible.  Fireplace ash is a very fine dust-like substance.  It's messy.  It also tends to fly into the air.  Which is why I put off the full cleaning as long as I can - I've been coughing my head off for a while now.

But, it's clean and probably will be that way for months!

Today is Pancake Day.  Local IHOP stores are giving away free pancakes.  We didn't participate in this one, but they use it to raise money for the Shriners Burn Unit Hospitals.  The Shriners are a wonderful organization, they help so many people.

Otter had a learning experience today:  she's never had a "real" hamburger before!  At least not at home.  We've always (at least as long as she's able to remember) used the Foreman grill.  But we're grill-less at the moment, since the last one died.  I think we had it about 7 years, and it was basically worn out from use.  I did look at the store to get a price idea for a new one in case I find one at a yard sale again, and the new ones are so flimsy.  They looked and felt like they would fall apart at the slightest touch, so unless we are able to find an older one in good shape, we'll probably just do without.  But we still like hamburgers!  Usually, it's turkey burgers but they are the same thing.  I bought gound beef last week to make chili with after Bill gave blood, and Otter requested that I leave her enough to make a hamburger with the next time we had something for dinner that she didn't want.  I made sloppy joes tonight, so she decided it was time for her burger.  Today, she got her first "real" homemade hamburger.  She also got another cooking lesson, I'm always on the lookout for something else to teach her but I'm rapidly running out of things.  Froggy, it brought back so many memories of Mom.  Specifically Aunt Jessie's meatless burger!  We've already discussed that on the blog, so I'm not going to tell that story again..

But it did make me realize just how many Mom stories involve food and cooking.  Or inadvertently making alchohol when she didn't realize that the "Recipe" she was given was actually ferminted fruit!  And that she'd been feeding it to her kids.  I don't think she ever really got over that one!  :)


Alexandra said...

It has been a long time since I've heard about Shriner's hospitals! There used to be many more to serve those in need. I think they had to cut back with some sort of changes like the high cost of malpractice, or something. What a wonderful way to start Lent. I'll have to look them up online.

Cooking lessons sound fun. I can't wait until my daughter is old enough. She already helps to make some things, so I think she'll be eager to learn.

Otter Mom said...

The cooking lessons started when Otter was pretty young, and she's actually a pretty good cook now.

The part about the hamburger was actually meant to be jokey but I'm afraid it didn't come across that way.