Monday, September 29, 2014

Last of the Home Cooked Comfort Food!

Tonight was the last "home cooked comfort food" on Otter's list.  It was the burgers Bill grilled last night, with oven baked frozen french fries.  And beans for Billyboy!
Tomorrow night is the last night Otter will be living with us, our dinner plans are El Chico.  Possibly fajitas, that will depend on what sounds good at the time.
Otter worked last night.  To be strictly correct, she worked this morning.  She went in at 12:30 a.m, as in just after midnight!  Once a month, towards the end of the month, the store has a large sale ad that comes out and the prices have to be adjusted on the sale items.  All of them.  They usually start earlier in the evening and are generally done by or shortly after midnight, sometimes well before.  But the corporate office wouldn't approve any more hours for them on last week's schedule, so it had to be done today which is the first day of the weekly schedule.  The problem is that it also had to be done BY the time the store opened today.  She got off at 5:30 this morning!!  She came home, said hello and goonight to both of us and went straight to bed.  She slept until shortly before noon, she called me when she woke up and she still sounded pretty tired.  She slept in yesterday morning and took it easy all day, but I'm thinking that maybe she should have gotten up early yesterday so that she would have been able to take a nap.  Next month, she won't be living at home but we will make sure she has the car.  She's off tomorrow and she's going to be madly packing from the moment I wake her up until she goes to bed tomorrow night.  It's crunch time and she's about to get crunching!

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