Thursday, September 04, 2014

Thursday Evening

No imagination on titles today!

I just thought the above was interesting.  It's also correct, by the way.  Star Trek Rules!
I like this one, too:

Bill got another load of firewood today.  He asked them why they aren't charging him.  They figure that if it's hot weather and people are desperate/silly/brave enough to load it themselves, they won't charge.  However, once the weather gets cold they will start charging.  Seems a little unfair, when the weather is cold is when people might be really desperate.  But that's their policy.  Bill thinks we're at about the amount we were at the beginning of last winter.  We had quite a few fires but we still had some left over at the end of the winter.  However, even though we had quite a bit of cold & icy weather last winter it was actually light by statistical standards.  Which means that we're going to get more.  At least one more load, then we'll look at the amount of wood we have and decide then if we need more, but I think we'll probably actually get two or three more loads total.
I've cleaned all the winter/storm supplies out of the area we store them in.  I'm going to start rebuilding our supply, but I rotate stock out in the summer or fall.
Maggie Moo never did get that bath we were going to give her last week.  I put the monthly flea/tick drops on them this morning, so no doggies baths in the near future!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I agree their policy seems strange, but maybe its because they can charge a lot more in winter and they don't like to store it over the summer.
Dog baths will always be there whenever you get to it.