Sunday, September 07, 2014

Sunday I Don't Know What to Call This!

I've been trying to post pictures on this all day, but blogger is apparently not working right.  Blogger has been uncooperative before, hopefully it will fix itself or decide to act right soon!
I'm feeling a lot better, I am still on my antibiotic and it is playing havoc with my stomach.  But I haven't had as much of a sinus headache today, I did have the headache yesterday off and on.  I woke up with it this morning, but it was much lighter.  We stayed home from church, I wasn't quite up to it.  I took a nap this afternoon, although I kept waking myself up because I was snoring!  I don't think I snore that much, although I was pretty stuffy and that meant I was most likely opening my mouth to breathe.  Which means I snored.
I did get out today, I was feeling extremely housebound (and micromanaged by a certain Engineer) so I volunteered to take Otter to meet J for the afternoon.  But I didn't really "go anywhere" or anything.  I didn't even have laundry to do, we finished it all up Friday and then we got it put away this morning.  I did have a few things to iron, but that was about as industrious as I got.
Among the pictures I've been trying to post today is a shot of a certain big, tan, furry bratdog snoozing on the floor of the living room.  In front of the fan.  Every time the fan is turned on, Frasier materializes right in front of it and then he snoozes.  Every time.  Dog likes his creature comforts, that for sure!  Maggie Moo was curled up in the position we refer to as a cinnamon bun, since that's what she looks like, I have a picture of her as well.  Maybe tomorrow.
I've been experimenting with the new camera.  I really like it, the definition is excellent.  Maybe I'll eventually get to post the pictures it takes!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I completely understand about feeling housebound.
Keep taking it easy until the infection is gone. My cat likes to lay on my stomach when ever I am sitting down. Which means right now most of the time. She is definitely grieving over Callie.