Thursday, December 25, 2014

Christmas 2014

(I've been trying to post a Christmas related graphic, but blogger isn't cooperating.  Bill had to do some work on my computer to fix other things that the last update messed up, and he thinks that wonderful(not) microsoft may have installed Windows 8 on my laptop.  Which they weren't supposed to do!)
It's been a good day, but a different one for us.  As Bill said, this is the first Christmas since we met that we haven't either had to run somewhere or had people over here - we've never actually had a "just us" Christmas before!  It just happened that way this year.
Christmas morning was nice, we had coffee and quiet time on the couch.  Bill had been up for a couple of hours by the time I got up at about 6:00 a.m.  The dogsters had already been let our for a while and fed, but they got a 2nd breakfast after Bill cooked the bacon - a little dry kibble with a little bacon grease on it.  Which they loved, not that there was ever any doubt about that!
We had a couple of gifts to open, but we saved the ones from Otter until we can have Christmas with her which will be sometime in the next several days.  Possibly not until the 1st, it depends on her work schedule after she gets back from her trip.  She's texted me a few times today, they are having a good time and she's really enjoying it.  She said that they might go see the movie Big Eyes this afternoon.  That one sounds good, it's one that is on my list to see but it might be when it comes out on video.
We are having steaks for dinner tonight, but it's 35+ mph winds so we're going to broil them in the oven instead of Bill grilling them.  It's sunny mostly, and warm.  The weather forecaster yesterday was talking about it being an above-average, unusually warm Christmas this year.  To which Bill replied "not for us!"  It's actually a little cooler than "normal" for us, even after 20 years here (nearly 21 years in fact), we still think of Christmas as being warm.
I finished one of my crochet projects, the scarf I was making for Sweetie.  I still need to fringe it, but the scarf itself is done.
At the moment, there is a fuzzy blanket at my feet.  Underneath that fuzzy blanket is a pile of fur in the shape/size/colors of a beagle.  Said pile of fur is snoring!  Loudly.  Both dogs had a bacon grease-induced coma for a while this morning, they've gotten to play outside in the back yard a couple of times but they always, always come back in and go back to sleep.
An afternoon nap sounds good, actually.  But it's a little late to take one, unless I want to be up all night.  Which I don't.
I am probably going shopping tomorrow, but I'm not going to join the mayhem of shopping After Christmas.  I want to look for a card table for the front room, to use when sewing.  I might make it to Lowe's for a miniblind for that room, and there are a couple of other things I just need to get.  But if I happen to be in wallyworld or anywhere that sells Christmas ornaments, I'll probably at least look in that department.  I'm collecting ornaments for the wreath I'm going to make.  It takes a lot of ornaments and I have several, but it take a bunch of them.
Well, the fur pile underneath the blanket just shifted position, I think she is awake now.  But not for long!! :)

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