Friday, November 30, 2007
Friday Thoughts
Second thought: I'm glad it's Friday, it's been a long week. I've been ready for it to be Friday since about Tuesday, actually.
Third thought: I am definetely going to turn Otter's cast iron stove "toy" into a lamp. Bill said that he gets to check it after I'm finished and BEFORE I plug it in. For some reason, he thinks I might electrocute myself. Which I find very funny, considering how many times he's hurt himself! I meant to stop at Hobby Lobby this afternoon and see if they have the kits, but I just wanted to get home and take my shoes off so it can wait. But I might have to go to someplace like Lowe's for it. Which I'm sure Bill won't mind, he's just about addicted to Lowe's!
Ok, I think that is all the thoughts I wanted to chat about right now. TGIF, everybody! Gonna go find my pj's now, then I'm going to take a book & a blanket to the couch and hibernate. I'm sure I'll have company - Otter and two doggies, and if Bill's a really good boy we might even let him have some room on the couch!
Thursday, November 29, 2007
It's still not Friday!
Otter and I got her annual Christmas bear tonight. Dad (Yaya!) started the tradition when Otter was pretty small. He would get one for her every year, and after he died I kept the tradition going because it meant so much to her to get the bears from him. Now she gets to pick out her own bear, and each time she talks about her Yaya. It's one of the few things we go to Wallyworld for now. But they seem to have drastically cut back the collector bears, we just hope that they are not discontinuing them.
I don't think I posted the latest with the check fraud. After we received the notice about the 2nd check, I called the agency and they told me (on two different occasions) that it would automatically be attached to my file with the first check. We got the official letter from them last week, informing us that they had completed their investigation and that my credit file shows that it was a fraud and that we didn't write a bad check. But it only referred to the first one. I called them again, and they did NOT include the second one so I had to fax the paperwork back to them - and I also wrote them a long, very detailed letter explaing the phone calls and what I had been told - by whom and on what date. I have not heard back from them yet, but I'm expecting another letter clearing us on the second check. And I'd better not be disappointed!
We realized this week that Maggie has apparently adjusted to the time change. The second it gets dark, she goes to bed! Poor Frasier, he has nobody to play with in the evenings so he just has to be content with me! He's such a mama's boy, I don't think he really minds too much. He has ways of getting my attention. This morning when I got up, as soon as I staggered into the living room on my way to the coffee pot I discovered that a plastic wrapper from a graham cracker package managed to miraculously appear in his bed spot and that it was accompanied by a trail of peanut shells from the trash can. But he claimed innocence! Unfortunately for him, nobody believed him. Poor doggie! He's so spoiled beyond rotten it's unbelievable.
Wednesday, November 28, 2007
Just in the nick of time!
My stress faires were better behaved today. They were still there, they just stayed out of my way for the most part. I kept finding myself wishing it was actually Friday today, but it stayed Wednesday. Darn.
Froggy, I didn't know that you had a cast-iron stove toy/lamp! I took the lamp parts off of mine many years ago, I think when it became Otter's. But I'm thinking that maybe it needs to be a lamp again. I still love the idea of Sharra's bottle lamp and might make one. But I'm thinking that the stove lamp would look just perfect in my living room, it would probably go with all my mismatched crocks and churns! I have a lot of crocks that I've turned into planters, for those of you who have not seen my house. I like to use different things for plants, not always the run-of-the-mill planters. They are fine, I just like to be different. (No comments from the peanut gallery!)
Also Froggy, I was wondering where Mom's dutch oven went to. I remember it sitting on the hearth in front of the fireplace. And I think she actually cooked in it a few times. I'm glad you have it, I was afraid it was gone for good. If I had it, it would probably have cactus in it.
I think I might be done with eBay now. I posted about 4 things tonight, they were things I meant to post last week but ran out of time. I'm not sure, but I think that I'm finished with everything I was going to post. We will not totally quit selling, there will still be the occasional item and we'll sell overhead projectors any time we can get them. And Otter has discovered eBay as a way to clean out stuff and make a little money - and she's also started shopping there. But for all intents and purposes, we are done.
And I really do think we've found our church home. Bill met with the minister this afternoon, and he was impressed. We have been going to this church about 3 weeks, which is not that long. But it just clicked, everything about it. The Pastor, his sermons, the people - everything about it just feels right. It's an old-fashioned, traditional, Southern Baptist church and the pastor is also a Texan - which is always a good thing! But that is just a coincidence, Bill discovered that in his conversation with him. We joined (re-joined for me) the Southern Baptist church about a year ago, but the church we joined just never felt like the right fit for us. So we started looking again a few months ago. We visited a few churches, and we weren't even planning on visiting this one but I saw it one day when we drove past it and we decided it was worth a shot - although we didn't think it was going to be anything other than a one-time visit. Until we walked in the door and the Pastor started the sermon. And we all walked out with the attitude that this was a church we very seriously needed to consider, in fact not even halfway through the service we all looked at each other and smiled at the same time. Otter and I are going to start Sunday School this coming Sunday, and at that point we'll make our decision. But we really feel like the decision has already been made, just not officially. God is always in control, and we feel like He's led us to Aspen Park Baptist Church. It's not a huge church, but it's the size we like. And the Pastor, David Crump is his name, knew Alamo Heights and might have known Warren Larck. Bill still needs the immersion baptism, Otter was immersed (dunked as mom used to say!) last December but Bill never did have his because we knew early on that we weren't in a church we were staying with. Here's the website for the new church:
Gotta go, Otter is yelling at me that the Shrek Christmas show is coming on! Then Grinch is next.
Tuesday, November 27, 2007
Just Another Day in Paradise
The two churns are not extremely new, I got them both last summer. The wooden one is the one Froggy found for me at a flea market, $5.00. The small one with the angel decal came from a thrift store for I think $3.50. The new item is the jug sitting next to the churns. It was a specific item I was looking for, but it's not really a jug. The next picture shows it turned around - it's really a cookie jar! The top comes off of it, but it works for what I wanted it for. I got it at a thrift store, Froggy remember the neat old lady with the corner booth? She was having a sale the day I found it, so I think I paid about $6.00 for it. It was 40% off.
Here's what it looks like on the other side. When I bought it, the seller told me that I had to go home and make cookies! But when I told her what I was going to use it for, and that I had a humongous cookie jar already she said that would be ok, as long as I really did bake cookies. She's really funny, I love to talk to her when we go to that particular flea market. We went back to that flea market last Sunday, she was up to 60% off this time. But no matter how hard I tried, and belive me I did try, I just couldn't find anything there I had to have! But that's ok, just gives me and the Otter another excuse to go back there. I think I know what my next treasure is going to be, my friend Shara (Monkeybox) has a really neat lamp that is made out of an old bottle. It's a tall bottle, if you look at her blog she has a picture of it and she's filled it with Christmas ornaments. I think I'm looking for something similar, or maybe just the bottle itself and I'll turn it into a lamp. (Froggy, remember my old cast-iron doll sized stove? Mom turned it into a lamp when I outgrew dolls. Otter owns it now, she used it with her dolls and at the moment it is in storage for her kids).
The next two pictures are just the kiddos tonight. Frasier is on his blanket, he'd been chewing the nylabone next to him until he saw the camera. Then he posed, like the vain boy he is! You can't tell as much from the picture, but he was smiling and his tail was wagging.
The Magginator was helping me when I took the pictures of the crocks & stuff. She took the tennis ball out of their toy box (it's a shoe box, the bones their toys are in it and they get whatever they want out of it when they want to play - but they don't pick up after themselves), then she threw the ball at me. She tosses the tennis balls up in the air a lot, sometimes she chases them around like she's playing soccer. This time, she did not want to play. But I think she did want attention because when I tossed the ball back to her, she let it sit beside her and gave me the sad-eyed look she's so good at.
If the pictures of the poochies were bigger, you could see all the lovely pawprints they arranged for me today! I don't even want to know how many holes they added to the back yard, but judging by the amount of dirt that they tracked in, it's a safe bet to say that NASA might be landing at any moment! (Think moonscape). The ceramic tile floor in the kitchen looks really bad, leading from the doggie door to the carpet. I can tell that they actually slid most of the way in when they came inside.
I'm seriously thinking that we will need a playpen to put the Christmas tree in! The tree will probably get put up next week sometime, but presents will not be put underneath it. They will be put up on the sofa table. I don't trust either of those furry babies, Frasier has been known to take staples out of paper and they both seem to have an unnatural attraction to paper of any kind. In fact, I'm not even sure if it will be safe to decorate the lower part of the tree! I have a clean/dirty hanger that Mom made for me for the dishwasher when I first moved out on my own. I can't hang it on the dishwasher, it has to be up on the counter because Frasier kept taking it outside when we first got him. After about the 4th time of having to go find it, I gave up on actually hanging it on the dishwasher. Same thing for fridge magnets! The only ones that are down low are the flat ones, because if he can reach them he will take them outside. No idea why he does that. Fraiser does a lot of things we can't explain! And he's teaching his little sister his tricks, she's a willing pupil I might add.
Monday, November 26, 2007
The Tulips Have Been Planted!
Bill had to go to the rent house this afternoon. The tenant called at 5:15 this morning - she's lucky I was already up! The bathtub faucet was dripping, the hot water never really turned off. It's done that before. Bill replaced a couple of parts, I think that this is about the 4th or 5th time that it's had to be done. For some reason, that one part keeps breaking!
I just had to pick up peanut shells in the living room. They were in the trash can, then when I came back in from putting up the gardening tools they had moved to the floor. And Frasier was suddenly outside, refusing to even look my direction! I think I see a connection there... Probably payback for treating his ears this morning.
Sunday I am taking Otter and her friend to one of the local museums. They have a display every year of Christmas trees. These are not your run of the mill Christmas trees. For one thing, the majority of them are not even trees. They are made out of some strange things, and some of them make me wonder if the artist (and I use that term very loosely) was under chemical influence! It's fun to go to this exhibit. Very imaginative. There is also an accompanying exhibit of gingerbread houses, which are usually made by school, church or scout troops. They are really fun. We were going to go yesterday, but Otter's friend wasn't back in town yet from the Thanksgiving holiday so we will try to go next weekend. Which is actually the last day of the exhibit, so if Otter's friend can't go we'll have to go without her and hope that she can go next year. I hope she can go, and so does Otter. It's an experience not to be missed.
Maggie has assumed her usual position - snoozing! She's behind Otter's chair, Otter is doing her homework with one hand and eating Cheez-it's with the other hand.
Froggy, I'm still waiting on an answer regarding your old report card!
Sunday, November 25, 2007
Sunday's Stuff!!
But the tulip bed did not get planted yet. After looking at the weather forecast, we are aiming for Wednesday as soon as we get home from work/school. It's been pretty cool the last few days, but after having had to deal with the cold bug I probably don't need to be out in the wet, 40's weather. Tomorrow through Tuesday morning is supposed to be rainy, Wednesday looks fine - just cool - but not too bad. It won't take us too long to plant the bulbs, we use Bill's post hole digging tool and it goes pretty fast. Otter just has billions and billions of tulip bulbs this year.
We went to a thrift store today, I found a book and two skeins of yarn. Otter didn't find anything, although she did try really hard. We stopped at a flea market and I didn't find anything, but Otter did so she was happy. We also drove by the rent house, since we were on that side of town. Looks fine.
We still have a little left over turkey, but everything else is gone now. Well, there might still be a little salad left but I think I'll probably finish that tonight! The turkey became a pizza topping yesterday, it was actually pretty good. I made a pot of soup last night and it cooked all night in the crock pot, I considered putting turkey in it but decided against it. I also made a loaf of bread this morning, the house smelled so good when we walked in after church!
Bill brought in two boxes from the garage and we went through them yesterday. They were mostly fabric & scraps, the majority of it is destined for Goodies or Sallys (Goodwill and Salvation Army). But there are a few pieces I'm keeping, they are in the fabric pile for the quilt I'll eventually finish. I started it when Otter was in kindergarten. I don't work on it too often! Anyway, I also found several of my elementary school report cards. Nothing too bad, fortunately. But Froggy, I found one of yours - how much you willing to pay me NOT to show it to your kids? Like maybe a couple of rocks? You know the ones I mean. :)
Ok, back to laundry now!
Thursday, November 22, 2007
Gobble, Gobble. Oink Oink. ZZZZZZZZZZzzzzzzzz
It was a nice, enjoyable day and I really enjoyed having it at our house this year. And I think the doggies did, too - they got attention and a few snacks!
We are not going to be part of the Black Friday shoppers this year. I do need to get groceries, and that will probably be tomorrow. But I don't think we're going anywhere else. Well, the library - but I don't see them as being crowded! And the tulip bed is still waiting on us. I'm hoping to get it done tomorrow, but we'll just have to see if that works out. We can't wait much longer on it.
Happy Thanksgiving!
Wednesday, November 21, 2007
Nearly Turkey Day
Otter has now learned the joys of eBay! She's been looking for things to buy, she just made her first purchase a little while ago. She's been selling things on eBay for a while now.
It's pretty cool, the forecast was for the 40's and it may well be. It's pretty windy and there were some hints of rain while we were out running our errand. Bill brought in firewood, Otter wants to roast marshmallows. Good thing we bought a bag of them at the store! But we're civilized - we don't use sticks. We have metal skewers! :)
Now for the fun stuff! I saw this on a web board this morning, I emailed it to some of you:
1977 to 2007 This is relevant only to those whose level of maturity qualifies them to relate to it...
1977 : Long hair
2007 : Longing for hair
1977: KEG
2007: EKG
1977 : Acid rock
2007 : Acid reflux
1977 : Trying to look like Marlon Brando or Liz Taylor
2007 : Trying NOT to look like Marlon Brando or Liz Taylor
1977 : Seeds and stems
2007 : Roughage
1977 : Hoping for a BMW
2007: Hoping for a BM
1977 : Going to a new, hip joint
2007 : Receiving a new hip joint
1977 : Rolling Stones
2007: Kidney Stones
1977 : Screw the system
2007: Upgrade the system
1977 : Parents begging you to get your hair cut
2007: Children begging you to get their heads shaved
1977 : Passing the drivers' test
2007: Passing the vision test
1977 : Whatever
2007 : Depends
Just in case you weren't feeling too old today, this will certainly change things. The people who are starting college this year were born in 1989. They are too young to remember the space shuttle blowing up. Their lifetime has always included AIDS. Bottle caps have always been screw off and plastic. The CD was introduced the year they were born. they have always had an answering! machine They have always had cable. They cannot fathom not having a remote control. Popcorn has always been cooked in the microwave. They never took a swim and thought about Jaws. They can't imagine what hard contact lenses are. They don't know who Mork was or where he was from. They do not care who shot J. R. and have no idea who J. R. even is. They don't have a clue how to use a typewriter.
Now we've all had our laugh for the day. Or in my case, the feeling of "I'm getting old!"
Tuesday, November 20, 2007
It's Tuesday and I'm Sick
The first half of my day was spent asleep in bed. Then I got up and moved to the couch, and Frasier slept beside the couch. I woke up every once in a while and the dog was still there. Maggie was curled up in the middle of Otter's bed where she seems to have spent the day. Such energetic puppies!
Day two of Bill's vacation and so far, no injuries or illnesses for him. This is a good thing, considering the fact that he's either gotten injured or sick on nearly all of his vacations lately! He went to the gun range with Don today, I kept expecting to get a call to meet him at the ER! Fortunately, that did not happen.
Bill's been cleaning out a lot of stuff, he's found all sorts of old photographs and things we didn't even know we still had. Like the check book from our business in Texas, from 20 years ago. I think I'm probably safe to shred those, I don't really think we'll be writing anymore checks for Lewis Line Striping!
It's been warm, in the 70's the last couple of days. Tomorrow is supposed to be in the 40's and rainy. Then the 40's the next few days, and starting tomorrow night we should have a few nights of hard freezes. I probably should remind Bill to bring the jalepeno plants back inside. The cactus plants have been inside for a few weeks, but the jalepenos were still blooming so they survived the end of summer plant dumping.
The tulip bed is still not planted! But definetely by this weekend, now that we will have had cold enough weather. Tulips like cold dirt, if it's too warm they might start sprouting now and that would be bad.
I have a message for a friend. Shara, hang in there. You are an excellent mother and the Bean is a great kid. The principal/teachers can just go jump in a lake, as my late mother used to say.
Monday, November 19, 2007
AhChoo! Hack Hack. Sniffle. AhChoo!
We did make it to the Fenton signing yesterday. Otter was feeling a little better, so she went with me. We basically stood in line, got our pieces signed and then left. She did ok, but she was really wilting by the time we got through and headed home. The Fenton family member that signed the pieces was really amused by Otter's story of finding her unicorn for 25 cents at a thrift store!
The Magginator has a new spot to snooze. She used to park right by my chair, as close as she could get and she frequently got squashed. Now she's discovered that her person (Otter) is sitting in the office at her desk, so Maggie is now closer to Otter's chair. Which means that she's also right in the walkway to the door! She'll probably be stepped on quite a bit before she realizes that she's picked a bad spot. But it will take a while, Maggie is not exactly the sharpest crayon in the box!
It's a scary week. Bill is off on vacation. Scary words! Every time he's been off on vacation lately, he's either gotten very sick or very hurt. So what is he doing this week? Going to the gun range with Don tomorrow.
Saturday, November 17, 2007
Saturday Stuff
Well, we did get Otter's desk moved out of her room and into the office. Now she'll have more space, with the bigger bed she didn't not have much space in her room. Bill's gotten her computer back up and running, it has been for a while, (she's been using mine in the interim) but he didn't want to put it back in her room and then have to move it again so it just stayed parked until we got the desk moved. He's in the process of running cable so it can be hooked up to the internet again but I don't think he'll get it finished tonight. Probably tomorrow.
For those of you that have seen our house, her desk is now sitting right inside the office where there used to be a plastic shelf unit - between the door and the closet. She said that she likes her desk being where it is now, she gets more light for homework. Bill's going to put a shelf up for her on the wall above the desk.
The shelf unit used to be our eBay staging area but since we are nearly out of eBay we don't need the shelf anymore. There are still 3 of those shelves, two are in the closet and we have plenty of stuff to put on them - like my sewing stuff, but we don't need much room for the eBay stuff. We are going to work on cleaning off the three shelves we still have, there is a lot of stuff on them that is just plain junk and a lot of it will be thrown out.
The tulip bed is still waiting to be planted. I gave it a second treatment, and I had planned on this week sometime but it didn't quite get there! Possibly tomorrow, or in the next few days depending on the weather.
Otter has been fighting off what we were hoping was an allergy for a day or so, but now we think she's coming down with a cold. She's not a happy camper! And I don't blame her. Colds can be bad enough, but when you have asthma they are so much worse. The Fenton signing is tomorrow, if she's not up to going then I'll take one of her pieces and one of mine. We are hoping that she's up to church tomorrow, but she probably won't be. However, she said that she doesn't mind if we go without her so we'll see in the morning.
We rented Shrek 3 today. It's cute. Not as good as the first one, but that's not unusual. But it is funny.
Froggy asked my opinion about the upcoming Presidential election. I'm not sure yet about candidates, but I like Thompson and Ron Paul. But it is still pretty early. I just know that I am firmly Conservative and absolutely will NOT vote for Hitlary. Under any circumstances. I hope she does not get elected, because I think she is very dangerous. But I also realize that she has a very good chance so I won't be surprised. Just very afraid and disappointed. (Remember, I'm not politically correct and I do speak my opinion! And this is my blog, so it's my opinion!)
Bill's off the entire week, he has Thursday and Friday as holidays and he's taking vacation days for Monday - Wednesday. Otter is off Wednesday and I only have Thursday and Friday. I have dental appointments set up for Wednesday for Otter and me but I'm probably going to have to reschedule because of her possible cold. The original plan was that she would go to work with me on Wednesday, but that depends on how she's feeling and if she's contagious. If she is unable to go with me, I'm going to be in big trouble at work! I've already been informed by my 92 year old boss that he and his wife expect to see their adopted red-headed granddaughter very soon! :)
Tuesday, November 13, 2007
Tuesday and the latest on the check theft/forgery
Then I got a bill in the mail today for the last installment on one of the medical bills. My October payment was one of the stolen checks. At the time, I called them and they were supposed to make a note in my file. I also sent them a replacement check right away. When my bank statement came the other day, I could tell that the original check to them was received by them and that they had deposited it. Of course, the bank refused it. When I sent the replacement check to them, I also sent them a letter following up on the conversation and very clear instructions about the first check not being good anymore, in case it turned up. Then today I get the bill from them and there is a $15.00 fee for a returned check. I called them, the girl in the billing office seemed really surprised that I am not willing to pay their NSF fee! She kept telling me that it would go to "collection" and I told her about three times that they could collect away but that I was not going to pay it (and why). I think she finally realized that I was serious because she finally gave me the address to mail a letter to with copies of all my documentation and ask them to take that NSF fee off. Which I will do tomorrow. And then they'd better take that $15.00 off because I still WILL NOT PAY IT. She made a bunch of excuses as to why they deposited the first check. But I think I got my point across. To her, at least. We'll see what happens after I send them my letter. I will pay the actual amount I owe, which will be the final installment on the doctor that saw me while I was in the hospital. I just won't pay them anything else!
So now that I am in full Texan Woman mode, anybody need any battles fought? Because I might just be willing! :) Bill better watch his step with me tonight!!
On Sunday, Otter and I are going to take some of our Fenton glass pieces to what will be the absolutely final probably last one ever & forever signing event. A Fenton family member will sign up to three pieces brought in for each person (however, all pieces bought then can be signed no matter how many), and we are each taking two pieces. Possibly I might take three, one will be one of my older pieces but I'm not sure about that. Signatures on the pieces will increase the value, but ours are not going to be sold. If I think about it, I'll take my camera with me. Not that it means anything to anyone but another Fenton collector!
We still haven't gotten the tulip bulbs planted. It was just too windy on Sunday. Sometimes in the next few days, maybe this next weekend. But soon!
Monday, November 12, 2007
Veteran's Day (Observed)
"Some veterans bear visible signs of their service: a missing limb, a jagged scar, a certain look in the eye.Others may carry the evidence inside them: a pin holding a bone together, a piece of shrapnel in the leg - or perhaps another sort of inner steel: the soul's ally forged in the refinery of adversity.Except in parades, however, the men and women who have kept America safe wear no badge or emblem.You can't tell a vet just by looking.What is a vet?He is the cop on the beat who spent six months in Saudi Arabia sweating two gallons a day making sure the armored personnel carriers didn't run out of fuel.He is the barroom loudmouth, dumber than five wooden planks, whose overgrown frat-boy behavior is outweighed a hundred times in the cosmic scales by four hours of exquisite bravery near the 38th parallel.She - or he - is the nurse who fought against futility and went to sleep sobbing every night for two solid years in Da Nang.He is the POW who went away one person and came back another - or didn't come back AT ALL.He is the Quantico drill instructor who has never seen combat - but has saved countless lives by turning slouchy, no-account rednecks and gang members into Marines, and teaching them to watch each other's backs.He is the parade - riding Legionnaire who pins on his ribbons and medals with a prosthetic hand.He is the career quartermaster who watches the ribbons and medals pass him by.He is the three anonymous heroes in The Tomb Of The Unknowns, whose presence at the Arlington National Cemetery must forever preserve the memory of all the anonymous heroes whose valor dies unrecognized with them on the battlefield or in the ocean's sunless deep.He is the old guy bagging groceries at the supermarket - palsied now and aggravatingly slow - who helped liberate a Nazi death camp and who wishes all day long that his wife were still alive to hold him when the nightmares come.He is an ordinary and yet an extraordinary human being - a person who offered some of his life's most vital years in the service of his country, and who sacrificed his ambitions so others would not have to sacrifice theirs.He is a soldier and a savior and a sword against the darkness, and he is nothing more than the finest, greatest testimony on behalf of the finest,greatest nation ever known.So remember, each time you see someone who has served our country, just lean over and say Thank You. That's all most people need, and in most cases it will mean more than any medals they could have been awarded or were awarded.Two little words that mean a lot, "THANK YOU".Remember November 11th is Veterans Day"It is the soldier, not the reporter, Who has given us freedom of the press.It is the soldier, not the poet, Who has given us freedom of speech.It is the soldier, not the campus organizer, Who has given us the freedom to demonstrate.It is the soldier, Who salutes the flag, Who serves beneath the flag, And whose coffin is draped by the flag, Who allows the protester to burn the flag."
Thanks Dad.
Sunday, November 11, 2007
Sunday, Catching Up. Veteran's Day.
Thursday evening, there was a Veteran's panel at Otter's school. The history teacher set it up, there were 6 veterans there. Two were WWII, one was Vietnam, one was 1970's - 80's, one was first Gulf War, one was First Gulf War and current Gulf War. There were quite a few students there, and they seemed to be really interested in what the veterans were saying. A couple of them went into a lot of detail about basic training. I think it opened up a few kid's eyes, especially when the Vietnam vet was talking about the training involving gas masks. The history teacher has the panels every year around Veteran's Day, and we'll probably go next year as well.
Possibly we might get Otter's tulip bed planted today. She is at her friend's house, she's been there since about 5:30 yesterday and when she gets home she is probably going to want a nap. I'm sure that they didn't get much sleep last night, they usually stay up most of the night giggling. But we need to plant the bulbs, so we might try to do that when she gets home. I say try, because it's so windy that it might be more trouble than it's worth.
So far I have not heard anything else from the collection agency. The grocery store had a problem with my check when I bought groceries on Friday, but it might have been because the amount was over $100.00 or because I was getting cash back. Seems like this particular store has to have approval when it's over $100.00 but I haven't shopped there too often so I don't really remember. They did take the check though. When the register didn't like the check the clerk kept pushing buttons to get it to work and her supervisor had to come fix it. And the supervisor told the clerk (loudly) that next time that happens, NOT TO PUSH ANYTHING ELSE! I got the feeling that the clerk has had problems and not followed procedures a few times in the recent past. Maybe because she spent the entire time she was checking my groceries gossiping with another clerk? The supervisor just approved my check and was unable to say why there was a problem since the clerk pushed all the buttons. We went to Sam's this morning (yeah, I know - they are part of WalMart) and had no problem there when I wrote a check. Even though we didn't forge the checks and they are a different account, I'm afraid that we could have problems in the future if the collection agency still shows us as writing bad checks.
I'm going to call the collection agency tomorrow or Tuesday and see if they have any more information for me. They might be closed tomorrow, some places are closed in observance of Veteran's Day.
We rented the movie "Barnyard" and watched it yesterday. It was cute. It was really for younger kids, but I couldn't find anything else that was even remotely interesting so that's what I rented. It's about a bunch of farm animals and there were a few funny spots. But I think that the writers and/or illustrators need to go back to school. Because the last time I checked, boy cattle were not called cows and boy cattle DON'T HAVE UDDERS!
Tuesday, November 06, 2007
(Maybe) Quick Update on the recent stuff!
My bank statement came today, it has the last of the old account and the start of the new one. It also has the checks that did not clear - including the one I got the collection letter on (shown as not clearing, showing as stopped and showing the forged amount) - AND ONE OTHER ONE THAT WAS STOLEN BUT DID NOT CLEAR - FOR OVER $1600.00. It's the correct number as one of the stolen checks, the bank did not clear it but it still shows the amount it was forged for on the statement. I'm guessing that it might also be WalMart, but I haven't heard anything from anybody else in terms of collection agencies. There were 5 checks in all, two of them got to their destination but were returned to me since I'd already called the places, the $1800+ that was forged at WalMart, the $1600+ that showed up as stopped and was forged on today's bank statement and that left one. Which apparently DID get to it's destination, and they tried to send it through but the bank denied it as I'd stopped it already. I've already replaced that one with a check from the new account, so there should not be any NSF charges on it being run through (which I wouldn't pay anyway since I called them the day the theft happened!). But now we at least don't think that the checks were copied, since the check numbers match up with the stolen ones. They were "just" forged.
When I sent the paperwork to the collection agency, I attached a list with the check numbers, original payees, dates written and original amounts since the letter did not say which specific check number it was for. If the second one was also written to WalMart, hopefully they will be able to look up the file they now have on me and I won't get another letter! If I do, I'll send them copies of what I sent them today. If there is another letter from another collection agency, they will also get copies.
The staph infection that has been in the news has now hit the Tulsa area. It's in several schools, including our district. Otter brought home a letter from the school district about it, and we also got an automated call from the principal about it. I'm not too worried about it, it can be contagious but it isn't automatically horrible, fatal or even serious! Yes, there are cases that are serious. But the majority of the cases are resolved, although it might take a while since it's resistant to a lot of antibiotics. I was already familiar with it, since Mom had a case of it towards the end of her life and Froggy and I researched it then. Wash your hands with plenty of soap and water, and don't share things with other people like make up, drinking glasses, etc. In short, use common sense. And don't panic when the news media makes it sound like something out of a Stephen King novel!
It did not quite get to freezing last night. But it was still plenty cold! It is supposed to get well below freezing tonight. I hope it does, I've sneezed a lot today and I'm getting kind of tired of it! It's been breezy all day and pretty cool, the wind made it feel colder than it actually was. We do have some Fall color, although I was beginning to think that the trees would skip that stage and just go to bare naked!
Monday, November 05, 2007
Monday and We Have Our First Freeze Warning!
We re-covered a few iris bulbs this morning, which the dogs thoughtfully arranged for us to need to do. I also watered them well and then again this evening. We brought in the last 3 jalepeno plants and the parsely plant. I don't expect the jalepenos to do much, they have already produced but they still have a few blooms on them so we'll see what happens. The parsely will probably continue to grow, it survived a few swallowtail larvae attacks but it's a tough plant. We also leveled the dirt on the tulip bed and put the first (possibly only) treatment on it. I'm not sure if it will get another treatment or not, I'm hoping to plant it this coming Sunday. Otter has a bunch of tulip bulbs.
And Frasier does have another ear infection, I'd suspected it but now I am pretty sure. He was digging at both ears last night, I used the saline rinse on both of them and he tolerated it but he didn't like it. Bill thinks that the dog has figured out that as unpleasant as it must be to get his ears rinsed out, he has apparently made the connection that it makes him feel better. But it was a battle this morning with the medicated drops! I have to hit his ears again with the rinse tonight and the drops again in the morning - possibly the drops again before bedtime - and then I'm going to continue for a few days. Especially if the weather is about to turn. They are inside when we are home and at night, but they are outside during the day. And even though they have a nice warm, carpeted spot in the garage sometimes Frasier will stay outside.
I talked to the Talequah Police Department this afternoon. The detective was very nice, but he suggested I hold off on filing a report with them. He had a few good points. For one thing, WalMart only keeps their surveillance tapes for 7 days and it was over 7 days later before I got the letter from Telecheck. Also, the tapes don't usually show much beyond the top of people's heads. They are not set up for online or phone reports, I would have to do it in person and it would probably cost me $40 or $50 in gasoline alone, and I'd probably have to take off a day from work to go. With just about zero chance of even developing a suspect. So I'm going to hold off and see what else happens. If one of the other two checks out there shows up, then I will consider going to Talequah. I'm faxing all the paperwork back to Telecheck tomorrow, along with the report number from the Tulsa Police Department. And then I hope that I don't have to deal with this anymore, but I won't be surprised if it's not that easy.
Sunday, November 04, 2007
It's been a confusing day!
It was nice to get an extra hour of sleep this morning, Otter especially liked it. I think Bill still got up early, he got up before I did and went on a styrofoam packing material hunt. I think he got up about 5:30 old clock, or 6:30 new clock. I managed to make myself stay in bed for about 15 minutes after that, then I gave up and got up because I could not go back to sleep. By this time, the poochies were through with breakfast and wanted my attention anyway.
We visited a different church today, this is the 3rd one I think. We really liked this church and will attend there for a few more Sundays. Then we'll decide if we still want to look around or not, but I'll be surprised if we still look around. It was a very good sermon, very friendly people and the message was wonderful. It's a smaller church than the one we actually belong to, still Southern Baptist and not too far from home. But it's way too early to make a decision about it. However, we all left with the same opinion - that this is one we need to seriously consider.
I pulled all the weeds in Otter's tulip bed. There were plenty! Also it had been taken over by what I think is called monkey grass, which was planted there a couple of years before we bought this house and I've dealt with it each year. It took me a while and I had to go inside and take an advil afterwards, my hands & wrists were sore and my lower back is twinging a little bit. Otter was busy inside, I had her doing housecleaning chores, otherwise she'd have been out there with me. I also turned the dirt over with the shovel. We were going to treat the dirt tonight, but I think that will wait until tomorrow. The treatment involves water, mineral oil and dish soap. Moles & gophers hate it. The ground can be treated more than once, a week or so between treatments and we'll probably do two treatments this year since we've had so many more moles to deal with. The tulip bulbs probably won't be planted for a couple of weeks, I was hoping to get them in pretty quick but I think that the ground is still a little bit warm and I don't want them to start sprouting!
Otter and I went to two thrift stores this afternoon. We had a lot of fun and found a few things. 3 or 4 books and several other things. Nothing spectacular, but we still enjoyed our shopping trip.
I've had a couple of people suggest I call the District Manager of WalMart and I think I'm going to do that. I'm also going to see if there is anything else I need to do, as far as protecting our credit and reporting the theft/forgery/fraud of our checks. I'm faxing the info to the credit agency tomorrow and I hope that I don't have any more problems with them on this. I'm also going to call the Talequah police department again tomorrow, as I've never heard back from them.
I made a pecan pie yesterday, not healthy in the slightest! But very good. I think I'm going to go have some now. I did buy fat-free vanilla ice cream to have with it, which Otter thinks is just the funniest thing she's ever heard. Not that the ice cream is fat-free, it's the idea that it's to be eaten with the pie! I see her point, by the way. :)
Saturday, November 03, 2007
Good Boy, Frasier!
This is what moles can do to a yard. This is not my yard, by the way! But they can do tremendous damage, as can gophers & voles.
This is what a mole looks like, this is not one from my yard either. They are not very big, they would fit in the palm of your hand.




Thursday, November 01, 2007
I got a collection letter today. From the agency WalMart uses. I got two the other day, because the bank stopped two of the checks that they were supposed to let through. The bank paid the NSF fees and I took care of it with the agency. Today's letter is for $1,821.14 plus $50.00 NSF fee. FOR A CHECK I DID NOT WRITE. It was at the WalMart in Talequah, which is a small town east of Tulsa.
I talked to the store in question just now. They have the automated system where the checks are run through the bank right then and if there is not enough money, the account is closed, check is stopped, etc., then it is rejected immediately. The assistant manager said that he doesn't know what to tell me, he can't explain why the check was allowed through on a) a stopped check, b) a closed account or c) more money than the account had even before I closed it! He told me to call the accounting department tomorrow, which I will do as soon as they open at 7:00 a.m. And they'd better have a good answer for me. I am going to ask him, on Bill's request, if those things have to be personally approved before they accept them because if that's the case then he's got an employee problem!
I talked to the police department today, I have to go to the bank and pick up a form called an Affidavit of Forgery. Then I have to take it to the police department, and they will start the report process for fraud. The officer I spoke with today also told me that the officer who originally responded to the theft SHOULD HAVE TAKEN A REPORT - which the first officer told me he couldn't do since we didn't even have a suspect or a description. I have his name, and I am going to mention it when I file my report tomorrow. After I get my report filed, then I can fax it and the bank's affadavit to the collection agency.
I don't think that the bank goofed up this time, because the check would have gone through and it didn't.
I also called and had a fraud alert placed on our credit reports. I strongly suggest everyone call Transunion at 1-800-680-7289 and request an alert be put on your credit file where you will be contacted if there is any request for credit in your name or with your SS numbers. It can be done even if you haven't had a theft or fraud.
But I really am done with Walmart now. I'll pay more for groceries, I don't mind. That is not the point of it anymore anyway.