Friday, November 30, 2007

Friday Thoughts

First thought: Christmas Cards. We are not sending any this year. Just so nobody thinks that they've been skipped!

Second thought: I'm glad it's Friday, it's been a long week. I've been ready for it to be Friday since about Tuesday, actually.

Third thought: I am definetely going to turn Otter's cast iron stove "toy" into a lamp. Bill said that he gets to check it after I'm finished and BEFORE I plug it in. For some reason, he thinks I might electrocute myself. Which I find very funny, considering how many times he's hurt himself! I meant to stop at Hobby Lobby this afternoon and see if they have the kits, but I just wanted to get home and take my shoes off so it can wait. But I might have to go to someplace like Lowe's for it. Which I'm sure Bill won't mind, he's just about addicted to Lowe's!

Ok, I think that is all the thoughts I wanted to chat about right now. TGIF, everybody! Gonna go find my pj's now, then I'm going to take a book & a blanket to the couch and hibernate. I'm sure I'll have company - Otter and two doggies, and if Bill's a really good boy we might even let him have some room on the couch!


Anonymous said...

As soon as I can get the camera and take a picture of the stove lamp, I will send the picture.

Anonymous said...

The last comment was from Froggy