Thursday, November 29, 2007

It's still not Friday!

But it almost is. And that's a good thing! It's just been one of those days all week long. I've pretty much gotten over the cold I had last week, although I'm still coughing some. But I'm not having to blow my nose every 2 minutes. I'm up to about every 8 minutes now! But I have had two nosebleeds in the last few days, not nearly as bad as the one I had last February that sent me to the doctor. But still not pleasant. Dry air has a lot to do with it, I think. I'm constantly grabbing the hand lotion!

Otter and I got her annual Christmas bear tonight. Dad (Yaya!) started the tradition when Otter was pretty small. He would get one for her every year, and after he died I kept the tradition going because it meant so much to her to get the bears from him. Now she gets to pick out her own bear, and each time she talks about her Yaya. It's one of the few things we go to Wallyworld for now. But they seem to have drastically cut back the collector bears, we just hope that they are not discontinuing them.

I don't think I posted the latest with the check fraud. After we received the notice about the 2nd check, I called the agency and they told me (on two different occasions) that it would automatically be attached to my file with the first check. We got the official letter from them last week, informing us that they had completed their investigation and that my credit file shows that it was a fraud and that we didn't write a bad check. But it only referred to the first one. I called them again, and they did NOT include the second one so I had to fax the paperwork back to them - and I also wrote them a long, very detailed letter explaing the phone calls and what I had been told - by whom and on what date. I have not heard back from them yet, but I'm expecting another letter clearing us on the second check. And I'd better not be disappointed!

We realized this week that Maggie has apparently adjusted to the time change. The second it gets dark, she goes to bed! Poor Frasier, he has nobody to play with in the evenings so he just has to be content with me! He's such a mama's boy, I don't think he really minds too much. He has ways of getting my attention. This morning when I got up, as soon as I staggered into the living room on my way to the coffee pot I discovered that a plastic wrapper from a graham cracker package managed to miraculously appear in his bed spot and that it was accompanied by a trail of peanut shells from the trash can. But he claimed innocence! Unfortunately for him, nobody believed him. Poor doggie! He's so spoiled beyond rotten it's unbelievable.

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