Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Just in the nick of time!

That describes the tulip bulb planting event. We have another cold front that has just hit, and while it's not going to be a winter white-out it is at least going to freeze tonight. So I'm really glad we got them planted when we did. Now they can happily sit in their dirt and do whatever they do over the winter, and I don't have to think about them until next Spring!

My stress faires were better behaved today. They were still there, they just stayed out of my way for the most part. I kept finding myself wishing it was actually Friday today, but it stayed Wednesday. Darn.

Froggy, I didn't know that you had a cast-iron stove toy/lamp! I took the lamp parts off of mine many years ago, I think when it became Otter's. But I'm thinking that maybe it needs to be a lamp again. I still love the idea of Sharra's bottle lamp and might make one. But I'm thinking that the stove lamp would look just perfect in my living room, it would probably go with all my mismatched crocks and churns! I have a lot of crocks that I've turned into planters, for those of you who have not seen my house. I like to use different things for plants, not always the run-of-the-mill planters. They are fine, I just like to be different. (No comments from the peanut gallery!)

Also Froggy, I was wondering where Mom's dutch oven went to. I remember it sitting on the hearth in front of the fireplace. And I think she actually cooked in it a few times. I'm glad you have it, I was afraid it was gone for good. If I had it, it would probably have cactus in it.

I think I might be done with eBay now. I posted about 4 things tonight, they were things I meant to post last week but ran out of time. I'm not sure, but I think that I'm finished with everything I was going to post. We will not totally quit selling, there will still be the occasional item and we'll sell overhead projectors any time we can get them. And Otter has discovered eBay as a way to clean out stuff and make a little money - and she's also started shopping there. But for all intents and purposes, we are done.

And I really do think we've found our church home. Bill met with the minister this afternoon, and he was impressed. We have been going to this church about 3 weeks, which is not that long. But it just clicked, everything about it. The Pastor, his sermons, the people - everything about it just feels right. It's an old-fashioned, traditional, Southern Baptist church and the pastor is also a Texan - which is always a good thing! But that is just a coincidence, Bill discovered that in his conversation with him. We joined (re-joined for me) the Southern Baptist church about a year ago, but the church we joined just never felt like the right fit for us. So we started looking again a few months ago. We visited a few churches, and we weren't even planning on visiting this one but I saw it one day when we drove past it and we decided it was worth a shot - although we didn't think it was going to be anything other than a one-time visit. Until we walked in the door and the Pastor started the sermon. And we all walked out with the attitude that this was a church we very seriously needed to consider, in fact not even halfway through the service we all looked at each other and smiled at the same time. Otter and I are going to start Sunday School this coming Sunday, and at that point we'll make our decision. But we really feel like the decision has already been made, just not officially. God is always in control, and we feel like He's led us to Aspen Park Baptist Church. It's not a huge church, but it's the size we like. And the Pastor, David Crump is his name, knew Alamo Heights and might have known Warren Larck. Bill still needs the immersion baptism, Otter was immersed (dunked as mom used to say!) last December but Bill never did have his because we knew early on that we weren't in a church we were staying with. Here's the website for the new church:

Gotta go, Otter is yelling at me that the Shrek Christmas show is coming on! Then Grinch is next.


Anonymous said...

I don't think that I have mom's dutch oven. I don't know what happened to it. Maybe bro has it.

Otter Mom said...

I thought you did have it. Bro probably wouldn't know what it was if it walked up to him and bit him in the butt!