Sunday, November 25, 2007

Sunday's Stuff!!

It's been a few days since I posted. I did what I said I was going to do on Friday - stayed away from the Black Friday sales! The grocery store was not very crowded, and neither was the library.

But the tulip bed did not get planted yet. After looking at the weather forecast, we are aiming for Wednesday as soon as we get home from work/school. It's been pretty cool the last few days, but after having had to deal with the cold bug I probably don't need to be out in the wet, 40's weather. Tomorrow through Tuesday morning is supposed to be rainy, Wednesday looks fine - just cool - but not too bad. It won't take us too long to plant the bulbs, we use Bill's post hole digging tool and it goes pretty fast. Otter just has billions and billions of tulip bulbs this year.

We went to a thrift store today, I found a book and two skeins of yarn. Otter didn't find anything, although she did try really hard. We stopped at a flea market and I didn't find anything, but Otter did so she was happy. We also drove by the rent house, since we were on that side of town. Looks fine.

We still have a little left over turkey, but everything else is gone now. Well, there might still be a little salad left but I think I'll probably finish that tonight! The turkey became a pizza topping yesterday, it was actually pretty good. I made a pot of soup last night and it cooked all night in the crock pot, I considered putting turkey in it but decided against it. I also made a loaf of bread this morning, the house smelled so good when we walked in after church!

Bill brought in two boxes from the garage and we went through them yesterday. They were mostly fabric & scraps, the majority of it is destined for Goodies or Sallys (Goodwill and Salvation Army). But there are a few pieces I'm keeping, they are in the fabric pile for the quilt I'll eventually finish. I started it when Otter was in kindergarten. I don't work on it too often! Anyway, I also found several of my elementary school report cards. Nothing too bad, fortunately. But Froggy, I found one of yours - how much you willing to pay me NOT to show it to your kids? Like maybe a couple of rocks? You know the ones I mean. :)

Ok, back to laundry now!

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