Sunday, November 04, 2007

It's been a confusing day!

Because of the time change, anyway. The doggies haven't quite figured out yet that just because they think it's time for breakfast, the clock doesn't agree! We'll have to slowly change their breakfast time until they are back to 5:30 like before the time change.

It was nice to get an extra hour of sleep this morning, Otter especially liked it. I think Bill still got up early, he got up before I did and went on a styrofoam packing material hunt. I think he got up about 5:30 old clock, or 6:30 new clock. I managed to make myself stay in bed for about 15 minutes after that, then I gave up and got up because I could not go back to sleep. By this time, the poochies were through with breakfast and wanted my attention anyway.

We visited a different church today, this is the 3rd one I think. We really liked this church and will attend there for a few more Sundays. Then we'll decide if we still want to look around or not, but I'll be surprised if we still look around. It was a very good sermon, very friendly people and the message was wonderful. It's a smaller church than the one we actually belong to, still Southern Baptist and not too far from home. But it's way too early to make a decision about it. However, we all left with the same opinion - that this is one we need to seriously consider.

I pulled all the weeds in Otter's tulip bed. There were plenty! Also it had been taken over by what I think is called monkey grass, which was planted there a couple of years before we bought this house and I've dealt with it each year. It took me a while and I had to go inside and take an advil afterwards, my hands & wrists were sore and my lower back is twinging a little bit. Otter was busy inside, I had her doing housecleaning chores, otherwise she'd have been out there with me. I also turned the dirt over with the shovel. We were going to treat the dirt tonight, but I think that will wait until tomorrow. The treatment involves water, mineral oil and dish soap. Moles & gophers hate it. The ground can be treated more than once, a week or so between treatments and we'll probably do two treatments this year since we've had so many more moles to deal with. The tulip bulbs probably won't be planted for a couple of weeks, I was hoping to get them in pretty quick but I think that the ground is still a little bit warm and I don't want them to start sprouting!

Otter and I went to two thrift stores this afternoon. We had a lot of fun and found a few things. 3 or 4 books and several other things. Nothing spectacular, but we still enjoyed our shopping trip.

I've had a couple of people suggest I call the District Manager of WalMart and I think I'm going to do that. I'm also going to see if there is anything else I need to do, as far as protecting our credit and reporting the theft/forgery/fraud of our checks. I'm faxing the info to the credit agency tomorrow and I hope that I don't have any more problems with them on this. I'm also going to call the Talequah police department again tomorrow, as I've never heard back from them.

I made a pecan pie yesterday, not healthy in the slightest! But very good. I think I'm going to go have some now. I did buy fat-free vanilla ice cream to have with it, which Otter thinks is just the funniest thing she's ever heard. Not that the ice cream is fat-free, it's the idea that it's to be eaten with the pie! I see her point, by the way. :)

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