Monday, November 19, 2007

AhChoo! Hack Hack. Sniffle. AhChoo!

That has been my day. Otter so thoughtfully shared her cold with me. She's about over it, I'm just coming down with it so I still have a few days ahead of me to deal with it. I really don't think it's a cold, since it only lasts a few days as opposed to over a week for us normally. But it's still cold-type symptoms. We had dentist appointments scheduled for this coming Wednesday, but I put them off. The dentist's office said tht they appreciated that! I'm going to try to work this week, it's a short week anyway. I just don't want to be sick on Thanksgiving.

We did make it to the Fenton signing yesterday. Otter was feeling a little better, so she went with me. We basically stood in line, got our pieces signed and then left. She did ok, but she was really wilting by the time we got through and headed home. The Fenton family member that signed the pieces was really amused by Otter's story of finding her unicorn for 25 cents at a thrift store!

The Magginator has a new spot to snooze. She used to park right by my chair, as close as she could get and she frequently got squashed. Now she's discovered that her person (Otter) is sitting in the office at her desk, so Maggie is now closer to Otter's chair. Which means that she's also right in the walkway to the door! She'll probably be stepped on quite a bit before she realizes that she's picked a bad spot. But it will take a while, Maggie is not exactly the sharpest crayon in the box!

It's a scary week. Bill is off on vacation. Scary words! Every time he's been off on vacation lately, he's either gotten very sick or very hurt. So what is he doing this week? Going to the gun range with Don tomorrow.

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