Tuesday, November 20, 2007

It's Tuesday and I'm Sick

I was hoping to avoid it, I was hoping that yesterday was just an allergy but it was actually the cold that Otter had over the weekend. I felt pretty cruddy last night but I slept well, I woke up feeling sort of good so I went in to work. But then I started to feel bad, and at 9:00 my boss told me to get my behind home, so I did just that. I've spent most of the day sleeping, I don't really feel a whole lot better so I might not go in tomorrow but I'll decide in the morning. I'm pretty much always caught up at work anyway. And I really do not want to pass this bug on to anyone, especially my 92 year old boss or his wife.

The first half of my day was spent asleep in bed. Then I got up and moved to the couch, and Frasier slept beside the couch. I woke up every once in a while and the dog was still there. Maggie was curled up in the middle of Otter's bed where she seems to have spent the day. Such energetic puppies!

Day two of Bill's vacation and so far, no injuries or illnesses for him. This is a good thing, considering the fact that he's either gotten injured or sick on nearly all of his vacations lately! He went to the gun range with Don today, I kept expecting to get a call to meet him at the ER! Fortunately, that did not happen.

Bill's been cleaning out a lot of stuff, he's found all sorts of old photographs and things we didn't even know we still had. Like the check book from our business in Texas, from 20 years ago. I think I'm probably safe to shred those, I don't really think we'll be writing anymore checks for Lewis Line Striping!

It's been warm, in the 70's the last couple of days. Tomorrow is supposed to be in the 40's and rainy. Then the 40's the next few days, and starting tomorrow night we should have a few nights of hard freezes. I probably should remind Bill to bring the jalepeno plants back inside. The cactus plants have been inside for a few weeks, but the jalepenos were still blooming so they survived the end of summer plant dumping.

The tulip bed is still not planted! But definetely by this weekend, now that we will have had cold enough weather. Tulips like cold dirt, if it's too warm they might start sprouting now and that would be bad.

I have a message for a friend. Shara, hang in there. You are an excellent mother and the Bean is a great kid. The principal/teachers can just go jump in a lake, as my late mother used to say.

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