Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Coffee Thoughts

I'm home with a sick teenager today, so I'm taking advantage of Bill's absence to have some of my flavored coffee! He doesn't care for flavored varieties, but I love them. Hazelnut is my favorite (today's choice), french vanilla is a close second and then all the rest of the flavor choices would be my third favorite because I pretty much like all of them. (Can you tell I like coffee? A LOT!). And since I've had some coffee already, my brain is functioning! (No comments from Froggy allowed on that!).

Otter woke up with a very sore throat this morning and she doesn't feel good at all. I don't like to leave her at home when she's sick, even though she's nearly 16, because of the asthma. I will leave her by herself for some illnesses, but not anything that is even remotely related to asthma or can have an effect on it. Her history is that if she's going to have an asthma spell, it will be fast and furious when it strikes. She also asked me to stay home with her, which means that she's feeling really bad. She's curled up with her blankets and will probably be that way all day. Both dogs are snoozing, Maggie is on Otter's bed and Frasier is on his blanket. They will probably spend most of the day like that, although Maggie will most likely eventually migrate to the couch where Otter is parked. Maggie isn't allowed up on the furniture, but she will get as close to the couch as she can so that she's by her girl and then she'll sleep the day away.

I had a small project at work that I absolutely had to get done today, so I went in to the office about 6:30 and then was home shortly after 7:00.

I'm going to get some of the things crossed off of my to-do list today. My plan is to finish vacuuming out the heater/ac floor vents. And there is always laundry, I think I probably have enough for one load so I'll head to the laundry room in a little while. I have several things I want to do, but a lot of them would raise dust and that won't work with Otter today so most of the big things will wait. But I probably can find a few things to get done today.

I looked at the tulip bed yesterday, it's coming along nicely. It looks like most of the bulbs made it through the winter and we have more daffodils out there than I realized. It should be very pretty in a few weeks. I'll try to remember to post pictures, but it's going to be a while before anything is big enough to bloom.

Tomorrow is what we have officially designated as Maggie's birthday. We got her for Otter's birthday 2 years ago, it was on the 11th of March but Mom's birthday would have been March 12th. So in her grandmother's honor, Otter decided that we should celebrate Maggie's birthday on the 12th. No, we don't have dog parties! But it is a way that Otter remembers her Grammy. Maggie will be 4 years old. (Frasier's birthday is celebrated on January 1, the day we got him. But we really aren't sure of his age, he's somewhere between 5 and 7 years old.)

There is a new, temporary exhibit at the zoo this year. Australian birds. I have only heard the commercial, but apparently the birds are tame enough to be hand-fed. A seed stick is part of the admission to the zoo. Otter and I are going to go check it out as soon as it's a little warmer. I told her that she will never be allowed to outgrow the zoo, but she told me that she never intends to outgrow it anyway. Froggy & Toadly, remember the Lorikeet exhibit at the SA zoo? I don't think that ours will be quite like that, but it does sound fun. I'll try to remember to take the camera with me when we go which will probably be in the next few weeks. Froggy - do you want to go to the zoo again when you visit me this year?
The lorikeets were fun, they are small parrots and they are very friendly. At least, they are friendly to the people that are holding the food! They like a nectar that was provided in small cups and they would land on whomever happened to be holding a nectar cup. It was a lot of fun to feed them, but it was also a little dangerous! Birds tend to "leave a trail", and sometimes they nip things like ears. But it was still fun and we'd love to have an exhibit like that here.
I added a counter for Otter's birthday. The graphic is a little bigger than I hoped, but I'm hoping that as it gets closer to her birthday on the 31st the rest of the picture will be visible. It's a snake with a turtle as the counter. Anybody that knows us will agree that it's appropriate for her!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I will comment on anything that I please, including your brain functioning.
yes I want to go to the Zoo. I also want to see the poisonous frogs again. I remember the Lorikeets and how one bird wouldn't leave Toadles.
No frogs in the counter? I'm disappointed.