Sunday, March 16, 2008

A Hole Lot of Nothing!

No, that's not a misspelling. We've been digging holes today. We figured that since the dogs have so much fun digging in the yard, we might enjoy it as well! So we broke out the shovel and got busy!

Actually, we are going to fence off a section of the yard for the dogs so that we can have a yard to enjoy - free of major excavation work. But to do that, we have to run a fence along one spot and that means fence posts. Which means post holes. We went to Lowe's (two different Lowe's, one of them twice and also to Home Depot) today and got one wooden post, since we had three still left in the back yard that we hadn't used and we also got a couple of other things. Bill dug the holes and the posts are now standing proudly in the back. But we haven't gotten the chain link yet. He's going to give the posts a couple of days to settle in, and we also could get rain this week so it will be a few days before we get the fence finished. But the days of freedom for the doggies are numbered! Considering that they really do spend the majority of their day snoozing, I don't think that we are mistreating them. They get plenty of excercise, play, walks, etc. anyway. And lots of belly rubs!

I made a pot of soup in the crock pot last night, it was done by the time we got home from church today and the entire house smelled wonderful! Combined with the fresh bread I made, it was absolutely delicious.

Otter is on spring break this week. She'll go to work with me tomorrow and Friday, but I don't think she's decided yet about the rest of the days. Her dentist appointment tomorrow is to put sealants on some of her teeth. The dentist wants to put the sealant on 8 teeth, I think all molars, and she's doing 4 tomorrow and then I'll schedule another appointment for the remaining 4. Friday is her annual doctor's check up. Pretty much just routine stuff. I try to get as much of that type of thing done as I can when she has a break from school.
While we were at Lowe's, I looked for bluebonnets. And discovered that they haven't gotten in their spring flowers & plants yet. Home Depot was the same way. So I might still wind up buying bluebonnets after all, I was afraid that I'd missed them and then I decided to watch the naturalized ones that sprang up but I'm thinking that I'll probably still be able to get them. Just a little later than normal.
Ok, back to my laundry now! And I probably should go see what Mr. Bill is up to, I hear rattling sounds coming from the kitchen. Never a good thing, he generally needs adult supervision while he's in the kitchen.

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