Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Today's Mid-Week Ramblings

Finally figured out how to reposition the counter! Froggy, now that you can see the entire graphic you have to agree that it's appropriate since I couldn't find a frog.

Today is the 5th anniversary of the start of the war in Iraq. I keep hearing news reports about protesters, but they never seem to mention that NOT EVERYONE IS AGAINST THE WAR! I'm certainly not, I think that it was a necessary action and that to pull our troops out at this point would be disasterous. Like what happened with Afghanistan after the Russians left and there was a sudden vacuum in place of their government - that is when Al Quaida stepped in and took over. I think that the same thing would happen with Iraq, but possibly it would be worse. Like Bill says, they will follow us home and then we'll have to deal with them over here. And it would make September 11th look like a minor accident.

Alright, off the soapbox. But not necessarily for long!

We had thunderstorms off and on from Monday evening until late yesterday. It was a nice day today, sunny but a little cool. Tomorrow is the first day of Spring, which is nice but I think it's actually been Spring for several weeks. Sometimes we get cold weather in early Spring, so we still could have more winter weather but I just don't feel like we will this year. I guess we'll just see. I'm not looking forward to the Spring storms we sometimes get, but I am glad that Winter is officially over. I hope that we don't have constant rain like we did last year.

I have jury duty next month. Monday, April 7th which is the last day of Nana's visit. I was going to work anyway that day, Bill is off to spend the day with his mom but I would have been home by 3:00 because I get off at 2:30 anyway but I have no idea how late the jury duty will go. It seems like when I had it before, many years ago, we got out later than 2:30 but possibly before 5:00. I hope so, it's downtown and I am not looking forward to dealing with the traffic. Also, Otter really would like Nana to go observe karate class which is at 6:00 but if I'm not home by 5:30 at the absolute latest, we won't be able to go to karate because Bill's van only has two seats. (He took the other seats out when he bought it, since he bought it for eBay cargo.) I'm keeping my fingers crossed that I'll be released early that day, and actually I'd like to be released entirely but that probably won't happen that quickly. The last time I had it, I was called for one panel and that turned out to be a car accident case involving a back injury - since I have a back injury from a car accident the attorney for the insurance company didn't want me on that jury. Other than that, I spent 3 days in the jury room either reading or watching the television. Except for lunch hours, which mostly were spent at the library which is next door to the courthouse. (And probably what I'll do this time as well). It was a total waste of time, but it could have been worse. Frankly, I hope I don't get picked for a jury but I'll do what I have to.

Otter is enjoying Spring Break. She went to work with me on Monday and had planned on spending yesterday at home being lazy but since the phone was out from the storm, she wound up going to work with me instead. She stayed home today, she did have a few chores but they weren't anything big and she got a lot of goof-off time. Which she enjoyed, and I think the dogs did as well. She will be home tomorrow and then go to work with me on Friday, since her physical is Friday afternoon at 1:30.

I keep thinking that this time last year, I was sick. I think I was already in the most serious stage of the pancreatitis, although I had been sick for weeks but didn't realize it. My thoughts are that this year is so different, I feel so much better than I did last year at this time. I'm just really glad that it is 2008 and not 2007!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yes I agree that the counter is good, but a frog would be better.