Friday, March 07, 2008

Is it Finally Friday?

Please, please tell me it is! It's been a tiring week. Not any particular reason, I'm just more than glad for the week to be over. I intend to spend most of tomorrow parked on the couch, either napping or reading a book or two.

Don't forget! The time change is Sunday. This is the one where we lose an hour, Spring Forward. I think it probably is unnecessary now, but we still have to do it.

Magginator is having one of her crazy days. When I got home, I let the dogs in and they were happy and bouncy. Like usual. But then Mags led me outside, I'm thinking that either Frasier was out or they'd gotten another mole and she wanted me to see it. Neither one! Frasier was in the yard, chewing on one of their toys and there were no moles in sight. So why did the little crazyhead lead me outside? So I could watch her run in circles!!!

The snow that we were supposed to get went way south of us, so we are fine. A little cool, it's in the 40's and we have a good wind to deal with. But no snow or ice. But I'm not complaining! I was prepared either way. But then I generally am!


Anonymous said...

It has been a long week. I got very little sleep 3 nights, 1-when lee left, 1-caucus, 1- who knows.
I am going to a plant sale tomorrow morning, then we are going to do things around here-stack up our new laundry equip, fix a sink leak, etc. Sunday-I have my Bible class and then I work in the nursery. Lee will probably go back on Sunday . I forgot I have to do laundry-Lee's dirty clothes. Where is the rest?Froggy

Jan said...

You know, I had a long week too. Wonder what the deal was?
Sorry you lost an hour of sleep! We don't change our time here in AZ so we don't have to deal with it! YIPPEE! : )
I think Maggie was just so happy to see you that she couldn't let it all out in the house and had to take you outside to show off! LOL At least that's what my Maggie does!
Have a great day!
