Monday, August 11, 2008

2 Days & Counting!

Until school starts again. Otter's not excited. Imagine that!

We went to the mall at lunch today, she went with me to work. We bought her several pairs of earrings. She's lost so many, it's unbelievable. So she's restocked now, and hopefully they'll stay.

She gets a lazy day tomorrow, the last day of summer break. She will get to sleep in, she'll just call me when she wakes up. She will not have a chore list, she'll get to do whatever she wants to. All day long. I predict that the tv will get a lot of use, and she'll probably read a lot. She also might get some of her crafting done, and there are two dogs that will probably get some playtime with Otter as well. She won't be bored, that's for sure! She intends to enjoy her last day of freedom and I'm sure she will.

On Monday, she starts back at karate. She's pretty out of practice, but it will come back quickly. She's very good. It's been close to 2 months since she's been. She will still get the Black Belt, but it might not happen this year due to her long break.

I have a prayer request. For my friend Virginia. Without going into specifics, it involves her grandchildren and they really could use some prayers. I don't want to say too much about it until I've cleared it with her, but any prayers for the well-being of the children would be appreciated.

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