Friday, August 01, 2008

Tax Free Shopping Weekend Started Today

And we're done already. We went to Wallyworld for groceries, and while we were there we bought a couple pairs of pj's for Otter. That is all she needed. She has plenty of jeans, lots of blouses & t-shirts, all the basic items. We bought her new tennis shoes a few weeks back and she's found a few pair of new or nearly new shoes recently at assorted thrift stores. So today we saved about $3.00. Last year, she needed everything you can think of and we saved about $30.00 or $35.00 but I'm not complaining! She has plenty of jeans, denim shorts and casual shoes. She has several skirts & blouses for church. So none of those were on the list. I did buy 2 pair of jeans for Bill and I looked for tennis shoes for myself but didn't really find any. I don't really need them yet anyway.

But I am still glad that Oklahoma has the sales-tax holiday. It helps a lot of people. We were originally going to finish up on Sunday, but we don't really need to. We might go to the mall if we feel like it, but we might not either.

Unfortunately, we still had to pay sales tax on the groceries! Which I think is pretty silly, I can see paying tax on non-essentials. But everybody needs food. It's been suggested in the past, but our wonderful (dumb) legislature thinks that it would be a bad idea to remove that particular charge.
We'll pick up Otter's schedule Monday. She will also get her locker assignment and we'll confirm that her bus route is unchanged. Our dental appointments are Monday after work and then probably on Tuesday, Otter will get her hair trimmed. Then she's ready for school. School starts on the 13th. Already!
Otter's driving class went well, the written test was the same as the one the DPS gives to get the learner's permit and she made a 97 on it. We'll get the driving part scheduled soon, but they are already full up until school starts. So it will probably be right after school starts, which is what we were kind of thinking anyway. She is a little nervous about the driving part, which is totally normal, but she'll be fine. She updated her web comic on her blog while ago.
We are having a heat wave. It will be pretty hot, over 100 for the next 3 or 4 days and there is a heat warning. It's finally what we consider to be really hot, not just very warm! So we are going to spend as much time inside with the a/c running as we possibly can. We'll also be in the pool a lot. My prediction for the pooches is that they will be parked on either the kitchen floor (tile) or the entrance way tile (also tile), or in front of one of the a/c vents. Good idea!

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