Friday, August 29, 2008

Stroke of Genius!? (Warning: Political Content)

Smart move on McCain's part. Very smart. He's picked exactly what might win him the election: Female, younger than he is and Pro-Life. I'm sure that everyone has or will hear of his choice soon, but here's an article about it. I guess we all know by now where I stand on certain issues. I'd love to see a woman get in there and it not be Hitlary!

Anyway, now that the political stuff is out of the way for the moment - on to other subjects. But there will probably be other political comments as the election gets closer. So don't say you weren't warned! :)

Otter is playing the asthma game today. It's mostly allergy related, but it still kept her at home today. It's my turn to stay home with her so I'm getting my laundry and housework done early. We had discussed leaving the pool up until Labor Day but now I'm glad that it's already down and put away. It hasn't really been warm enough for the water to be comfortable to swim and Otter isn't up to it anyway. And it's one less chore to worry about this weekend. We have plenty to do without it, we won't be bored because of inactivity! I did have one errand I had to run, since the mail theft last year I don't mail anything at all from home (or even from the office), so I had to go to the post office and drop off the envelopes with the bills I paid this morning. But that was a short run, and I made sure that Otter was doing ok before I left. Otherwise, I would have waited until Bill got home from work and then gone.

Otter is napping on the couch, so I'm in the back part of the house. I have laundry going but it's far enough from the living room that it won't disturb her. I don't want to be noisy, she needs to sleep. So I'm playing on the computer and might move to the bedroom to watch tv in there. I need to vacuum, but I can do that later on after she's awake. Both dogs seem to be copying Otter, they are also snoozing. But they do that frequently anyway so it's probably just coincidence!

I was going to post my August book list today, but there are still a couple of days left in the month and I have more reading to do. I just got another book at the library that I'd been waiting on, and I have several that I bought recently which I haven't gotten to. As well as one that I started a week or so ago and then put aside for other books. And I think I still have two other books from the library that I haven't gotten to yet.

Frasier just relocated. He came back here where I am, more or less fell in a heap in the floor and sighed. And was asleep almost as soon as he hit the floor. Maggie was asleep in the living room but she might have moved as well. But chances are that wherever she is, she's asleep!


Ok, back to our regularly scheduled blogging: Bill is retooling his car project yet again. He's building a hydrogen generator, supposedly they will help with gas mileage. He's had some improvement. But he's a typical engineer. In other words, he keeps taking it apart and rebuilding it. He's changed it each time. I've lost track of which incarnation the project is on now, but he's having fun with it. Seems like it would be something that wouldn't be fun, but he's certainly enjoying it. Our next door neighbor, Chris, also has built one (or two or three) and they spend a lot of time talking about the generators and working on them. Froggy's hubby would be included in the "male bonding" sessions (they remind me of little boys with new toys), but he lives several hundered miles away. But from what I understand from Froggy, he's rebuilt his more than once too. I guess it's just a guy thing? I know it's an engineer thing. Engineers just are not normal! Froggy's husband might not be an "official" engineer, but he is probably one by experience so he counts as one. Right, Froggy?
(Froggy, did you go to the doctor yet?)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

NO, I did not see a doctor.
I would love to see a woman in the white house, but not this one either.
Her stand on the environment is disgusting.