Monday, August 04, 2008

It's on the Schedule

Otter got her schedule for school today, in other words. She's not too thrilled, but school is just over a week away. Her schedule looks easy, the majority of her classes are at least in the same building. Her first, second and third classes are pretty close together. The rest are not all that far away from each other. She won't get her lock assignment until about a week after school starts, we're hoping that it's close to her classes.

We weren't able to get supply lists, but she's got the basic stuff already. Teachers might have specific items that they want. Otter will probably find that out on the first day of school.

It was over 100 today, I don't know the exact temperature but it was supposed to get to about 105. I'm not sure if it actually did, it was warm but it didn't feel quite that warm to me. It is supposed to be warm tomorrow, but then it could be in the low 90's by the end of the week. I'm not complaining!

We're going to take Otter to the licensing place on Wednesday, for the written test. If she passes, and she should not have any problem, she'll get her learner's permit.
I guess that's it!

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