Tuesday, August 05, 2008

Some Thoughts Today

This is for Toadly and Froggy. Bring back memories? (Watermelons and the pool!)

This is something that made me think about Otter! She's very much "out of the box" and doesn't follow the herd. And we're glad about that.

I remembered what I was going to post about last night. Hummingbirds! Otter and I refilled the two feeders we had up and we put up a third as well. We've seen more birds lately, there are 3 that we know of and they were fighting over the two feeders. So now we have three feeders and three birds. And they are still fighting! But they are fun to watch. When we were in the pool Sunday they were just barely above our heads, I don't think that they realized we were there.

Still warm, but I am used to it. We really don't get that much extremely hot weather in this part of the state, but to hear these people up here complain... I don't particularly like extreme heat, but I did grow up with it and it's just a fact of life to deal with. Complaining doesn't do a bit of good!

Besides, I'm in too good a mood today to complain. Just a very good day at work. More details about that later, after Froggy, Toadly and Kimberly figure it out! (I told them that I'm catching up with Bill and that they have to figure out what I mean - the first guess was from Froggy and it was that I had hurt myself, etc., which is not anywhere near the answer. But it is what I expected to hear!)
Think good thoughts for Otter tomorrow afternoon around 3:00. That's when she'll be taking her written test for her learner's permit. Thursday after work we'll be getting her hair trimmed. Then we'll have everything done that we wanted/needed to do before school starts next week. She has been on a karate break, with camp & her trip then driving lessons. But she'll be starting back right away. Possibly next Monday.
Otter posted another chapter in her web comic on her blog this afternoon. She's been working on ponies for the last several days, they have been parked in her bathroom on the counter with clips & pins in their hair in an effort to restyle their manes and tails. Looks like a pony farm in there. She's branching out, I noticed that there are other animals in the comics. Never heard of attack chickens myself, but you never know!

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