Thursday, August 07, 2008

My Buzzy Evening

The hummers are back! We've been seeing a few, so I put out another feeder last week which brought my total up to three feeders. We knew that there were at least three birds. But now there are more. I know that there are four for sure, but I actually think that there are about 7. I'll probably put out at least one more feeder this weekend. In the meantime, here's a few from tonight. All the same bird, on the feeder that she "owns." I can get quite close to them, they don't seem to mind me. They had dogfights over my head a few times. They hovered over me a lot, they don't seem to be afraid of me. This is the feeder that is right outside my living room window.

I also managed to rid the world of one mosquito. But it got a taste of me first! There were a few others, but I missed them. And I also discovered that the chairs on the deck were not quite as dry as they appeared to be.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

My hummers seem to be gone right now. I hope that they come back. I can't sit outside at all now-lots of mosquitoes. I have to go walk around and see if there is any water anywhere around. Froggy