Sunday, August 03, 2008

Some Sunday Stuff, Early (& Later Update)

It's early as I type this, but I'll probably update it later. It's not quite 7:30 a.m., we've had breakfast and I have a load of laundry going. Otter and I are going to get dressed and head out to Sunday School in about an hour. Billy Boy is out in the driveway, tinkering with the van. Which wouldn't be a worry, if he were normal. But he's not normal, he's Bill!

We had a good Saturday, we stayed inside most of the day and enjoyed the air conditioning. Late in the afternoon, Otter and I got in the pool. Bill was working on his car project, he's taking apart and rebuilding it for about the 185th time. He sat out in the back yard and talked to us while we swam and he played with his toy, I mean worked on his project. Otter rented the movie 1408, which sounded good. But that's about all I can say - that it sounded good. Don't waste your time on this one. It's a typical story taken from a Steven King story - note that I said "taken from" not "screenplay written by." In other words, it was awful.

Otter has discovered Dr. Who! Remember that show? It was fantastic when it was on many years ago. It was resurrected several years ago, it didn't do too well. But about 4 or so years ago, there was a new series created and it aired on the BBC. It is tremendous! We have been addicted to it since we first started watching it, back "first generation" to borrow a phrase from that other sci-fi show that I occasionally watch. OK, so I'm obsessed with that other sci-fi show. But anyway, I'm discussing Dr. Who right now and not that "other show." Anyway, the current series is on about it's 4th year and we are really enjoying it. It's on the Sci-Fi network. A lot of the early episodes from the current series have been uploaded onto Utube. Watch them, if you have the time. They are worth the time and effort.

After thinking about it, Otter and I have decided that yes, we are going shopping this afternoon. I am looking for a couple of things for myself. Otter doesn't really need anything, but she probably won't object to getting a few new things if we find any. She wants a couple of books anyway, so we'll hit the bookstore while we're at the mall. Also I think she wants to look for more earrings. She has plenty, but you can never have too many!

This is one of my newest back yard babies. It's what we Texans refer to as a pear. It's actually called a Prickly Pear, for those who don't speak Texan. I have been wanting one for a while, but they are not too easy to find up here. They grow to be huge, and I'd love a big one out in the yard but I don't think that they can take the amount of cold weather that we get. They can stand a little, but not as much as we sometimes get. I haven't even seen them at any stores, this one was actually one of the cactus that you might have seen where there is a bloom from another type of cactus glued onto the top. The fake bloom fell off of this one before I bought it. I saw it and wasn't sure if it really was what it looked like, until I read the label. I wasn't even sure if it was going to survive. But it is thriving, it's even growing. The top section is new, so I think it's happy. I really don't know how big it's going to be but I'm going to have to repot it at some point. Probably sooner than later. I'd love to plant it outside somewhere and I might try but I think what I'll actually do is wait until it gets bigger and grows more sections. Then I can take off a small section and root it. Because I really don't know if they can take our winters.

This is Frasier from a few minutes ago. He was cruising the back yard, looking for things to bark at. He didn't find any, but he was having a good time. Bill was getting ready to mow, and Maggie was safely inside. She's not afraid of the mower, she just didn't want to go outside for some reason. She might have thought that we were about to block them outside.

Probably more later, after we go shopping.

(Here's the later Update!)

The shopping was a bust. We went to the first mall and bought nothing, but we did look in several stores. So we decided to go to another mall, since we were early and not all the stores were open yet. Otter wanted to look in a specific store for earrings and there was one at the other mall. We figured that by the time we got there, they would be open. Which probably would have been a good plan - except that the store in the other mall is not there any longer. So we looked at several other stores and still found nothing. Otter did buy the book she wanted, at least. We ate lunch at the mall's food court but it wasn't very good. It just was not a good shopping day for us. So we came home.

Otter's been reading her new book and I've been doing some stuff around the house that I wanted to get done. Including laundry, which never seems to go away no matter how hard I want it to! We might get in the pool later, but other than that it's going to be a quiet afternoon. It's still pretty hot and we have another heat warning, which the dogs have taken seriously because they have spent most of their time snoozing in front of an a/c vent.

1 comment:

Jan said...

You know...we have the prickly pear cactus/cacti in our front yard. Two great big ones. Our winters get down into the 20's and they have survived all these years. Of course, we get down in the teens and 20's for a few hours. It rarely stays that way for long.
Love the Frasier picture. He kinda looks annoyed that you're snapping his picture! LOL! Dogs!