Sunday, August 10, 2008

Sunday Musings of The Borg Queen

Otter just informed me that she really doesn't like it when I turn into the Borg Queen on her and her Dad. I find that amusing. She has no idea just how Borg Queen I can get! :) She did tell me one time that she might be having Borg Queen junior moments, I forget what it was that she was doing at the time but I was happy about it.

For those of you who are non Star Trek fans, the Borg are a race of cyborgs. Part human, mostly machine. They tend to replenish their species by taking over other humans and turning them into borgs. They like things to be a certain way, and their queen is the ultimate control freak. The Borg are from the second series, The Next Generation. They were the bad guys in one of the movies from that series, First Contact. That's when their Queen was introduced. Very shortly after she comes on screen, Bill leans over to me and says something along the lines of "you realize that is YOU up on the screen, don't you?" I don't see why, just because she likes everything in it's place and all her ducks in a row - quacking & walking in unison. Just like me, in other words! Bill always tells me that he's got duckies here and there and everywhere, but mine are always in a row. An exact row! Resistance is futile, after all!

Today's Borg Queen moment involved Otter cleaning out her desk and reorganizing it. She threw out a lot, and now has quite a bit of empty space in her desk drawers. She found a lot of earrings, coins, books and other things in the desk. They are now all in their correct places. Which makes me happy. The next target for the Borg Queen is Otter's bookshelf in her room. We might get to that today, we'll see. Be afraid Otter, be very afraid!

Actually, there was another Borg Queen event. I bullied Bill into cleaning out his t-shirts! His closet was overflowing with t-shirts, and very few of them are actually nice. Most of them have big holes, tears or permanent stains. He mentioned the other day that he needed to clean them out, and I "organized" him into it this morning. He still has quite a few of what he calls work t-shirts, which are for working on the car and stuff like that. But the worse of the torn & stained t-shirts are now in the rag bag in the garage.
Maggie is parked just outside the doorway to my bedroom. Otter had to step over her just now, and the dog never even budged. There is a reason Maggie's middle name Underfoot! Frasier's not left out, he has a middle name: Intheway. Frasier likes to park himself in the kitchen by the table, he has two spots and both of them are right in the walkway. Consequently, he gets stepped on and tripped over a lot. He just lied down beside me, and he made a noise on the way down. I think he might have just deflated! For such a big dog, he can sure flatten himself out when he wants to. Some people have bear skin rugs, I have a Frasier rug.
(It's Later).
We went to Target and found a divided container for Otter to use to carry her lunch to school. She wanted a Bento box, which is a small box that Japanese students use to carry their lunch in. We looked on eBay for an "authentic" bento box, but they were really expensive and basically the same thing we could find at just about any store. She found what she wanted at Target. She'd probably prefer to buy her lunch every day at school, but there are not a whole lot of healthy choices. So we compromised - she will still take her lunch most days, but she got to get a bento box. She's finally learned to pick her battles! She will get to buy her lunch sometimes.
We also found her a planner, a binder and more mechanical pencils. She's probably going to need other actual school supplies, but she won't find out what she needs until the first day of school. And then we'll decide just what we're going to buy. Every year, the teachers have always asked for a bunch of stuff that never, ever gets used. And it's generally always the same stuff. Sometimes I think they just enjoy making parents buy a bunch of stuff just because they can!
And Maggie is still parked in the floor, but she's no longer in the doorway. She's now right behind Otter's chair. Where still stay until Otter turns around and sees her, then she'll scoot even closer and ask for a belly rub!
Ok, back to my laundry now.

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