Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Bored Wednesday

Middle of the week.  I'm bored.  I don't have any crochet projects awaiting time to work on them.  I don't like that feeling.  But I don't know what I want to make next.  Also, I have a killer headache that is mostly allergy related and sinus pressure that is driving me to distraction.

Froggy, the project for you that I was working on was bookmarks.  I decided that I didn't like the way they were turning out, but mostly because of size.  However, I don't have any smaller gauge yarn that would work color-wise at the moment.  You still get the one I made, but I'm going to have to find another project for the yarn I bought for it since I got it with you in mind.  I'm just not sure what it's going to be yet.

Reports on Monday's tornadic storms are that at least 3 of the twisters were EF3.  Which is middle of the range, but that still means that they were big.  The death count has dropped from 5 or 6 to 2.  Apparently, there were three children who were injured and they were transferred to a different hospital.  The first hospital's spokesperson didn't know what happened to them so he or she stated that they were dead.  Really tacky, those are the things that should be checked before somebody opens their big mouths!

We could get rain tonight and into tomorrow, but I don't think it's supposed to be bad.  Maybe noisy, but hopefully not B.A.D. weather like this area can get.

I'm going to go in search of a motrin now.

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