Friday, May 28, 2010

Just Some Miscellaneous Friday Rambling Stuff

It's Friday, so it's automatically good.

Work was easy, so that was also good.

I got to buy yarn, which makes it spectacularly good.

It's a 3-day weekend, so that's very good.

Can you tell that I'm really glad it's Friday?

Because I am.

Anyway.  I picked Otter up at home after work and we went to Hobby Lobby.  I'm going to make a scarf for my sisterfriend Virginia (she doesn't have internet access at the moment so I can talk about it without blowing the surprise).  Her favorite colors are green & blue, and I found some really pretty variegated yarn to use.  I might start on it this weekend, it won't be a long project.  Otter also found a few things she was looking for.

We've been discussing the pool situation.  Specifically, the lack thereof.  We had been thinking we were going to get one this summer, but the prices have about doubled what they were last year.  I'm having a problem with the idea of spending a lot more $$ than we anticipated, so I think we're going to skip the pool this year at least. 

But we are going to have to replace our dvd player and probably soon.  I think we'll probably actually buy a blu-ray, I don't think that actual dvd payers are even being made anymore.  Blu-ray will play most dvd's, and since we have quite a large movie collection that's a good thing.  We watch a lot of movies!  We might go blue-ray shopping on Sunday, since Otter is probably going to be out with BF for the afternoon.  (Pizza and video games - maybe we should go with them!)

We're grilling on Monday.  Burgers & Dogs, nothing fancy.  But it will still be good.  I bought two containers of potato salad (Bill loves it so I always have to have extra) instead of making my own this time.  I also got a container of macaroni salad.  And the burgers & dogs supplies, as well as an extra jar of pickles because the pickles I bought recently seem to have evaporated.  Don't suppose you'd care to venture a guess as to what happened to them, Otter?  :)  Like I've said before, she is her mother's daughter...

I guess that's all for today.  I'm going to play on the internet for a few more minutes and then go make dinner.  Creamed chicken and rice.  Yum.

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